Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The new semester had officially kicked off, and since I had no idea how I did on finals, I was just as anxious about this part of the year.

Penny's words still sounded in my head every once in a while, and even though I wanted to spend every second of every day with Aiyden, they kept me away from him. I couldn't be the reason he lost his job or went to prison. Another selfish thought popped in my head, though. Because I really didn't want to lose him.

God, what had I gotten myself into?

The new year started with new courses and a new schedule, but I had been somewhat relieved to see that Aiyden was still going to be teaching one of them. I couldn't imagine a semester without him as a professor.

Laws of Mass Communication II proved to be just as difficult as the first one, but I wasn't complaining when signed up for tutoring again.

The first week went by achingly slow, and with Penny still in the hospital, Felicity and I spent a lot of time traveling back and forth between her and campus.

Still, Aiyden and I had found a moment to meet for a tutor session. Maybe it had been better if I had requested a different professor, but I didn't. Apart from the amazing sex, I enjoyed Aiyden's company. This also wasn't the best option to protect him from the consequences of our little relationship, but again, I was selfish.

"Hey," I greeted him as I walked into the library, making a beeline for our spot.

Things had calmed down on campus-though the curfew still stood-and I had spent the last couple of days trying to cope with every dead body I had seen. Or maybe I just tried to constantly distract myself. Either way, I was trying.

Everything between Dylan and me in terms of a possible friendship had turned sour and impossible, so we just occasionally waved at each other. Until one day, we didn't.

My theory was that his pride was hurt, and I was just too busy with someone else.

It was probably for the best, but it still kind of stung when he would ignore me in the hallway. I had to remind myself that I did this myself, but that didn't make it any easier.

It had only been about six months but so much had already happened. I only hoped my parents wouldn't find out about everything, or they would force me to go home for sure. Make me start over somewhere else. Again.


I blinked rapidly as Aiyden refocused my thoughts, placing a hand on my shoulder. Tingles went down my arm at the contact and I had to hold in a shudder.

"Sorry, what?"

He chuckled, gesturing to one of the chairs and taking the one next to it. "I asked how your first week had been." He spoke the next part in a lower tone, careful not to let anyone hear, and he almost sounded a little defeated. "I haven't seen you much this week."

My stomach dropped at his tone and I stared out of the window into the night, sighing softly. I didn't really want to get into it, but it also wasn't fair to lie.

The floor of the library we were on was empty, and most students were probably getting ready to go out or something, so everything around us was quiet. I checked for someone listening in anyway.

"What if we get caught?" I said softly, turning in my seat to face Aiyden.

He quickly looked at the only entry spot into our little bubble before answering. "Everything will be okay."

I placed my hand on his and he intertwined our fingers, rubbing his thumb over my palm. It was the first skin-on-skin contact we had in days, and it instantly calmed me down. Was this feeling ever going to go away?

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