Chapter Five

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Pulling on a tight, red, mini dress on, I started to rethink my decision to go to this Halloween party. Felicity and Penny had managed to convince me to go, but the hassle of putting on a costume made me want to crawl into my bed and not leave it until the next morning.

"This is so much work," I complained, adjusting the straps of my dress on my shoulders. My toes had gotten stuck in my fishnets as I had been putting them on about ten times, and my hair wouldn't stay in the bun I wanted.

"Please," Felicity mocked as she pushed up her tits in the tiny fairy costume she was wearing. "You've got the easiest one."

I rolled my eyes, but as I watched Penny draw whiskers on her face with pure determination, I shrugged.


Since the bun wasn't working for me today, I decided to straighten my hair instead, sliding the headband with red devil horns in to keep it out of my face.

Felicity added the finishing touches to her look, and Penny and I both managed to get the fairy wings on her. This costume must've cost her a fortune, but she did look very good.

"I've been here one week and already I'm being dragged tointo some lame Halloween party," I stated, crossing my arms over my chest as Penny added some cat ears on top of her head. Felicity rolled her eyes, striding into the common room. Penny shrugged before she followed, beckoning me to come along too.

As soon as we opened the front door of our building, the cold slapped me in the face and I cursed myself for not putting on a heavierthicker coat. I had borrowed this red fur one from Felicity, but it was absolutely useless as the wind started to pick up.

"I think it's best we get some alcohol in Jay as soon as humanly possible," Felicity said, her breath condensing in the cold evening air.

The nickname she had tried to make a thing for the last couple of days was honestly not the worst one I' had ever heard, so I had stopped complaining after she insisted on using it without too much resistance.

"I'm excited." Penny beamed, her red curls looking extra poofy and wild today. I was surprised her headband hadn't snapped in half yet, but she made the wildcat look work.

We made our way to the frat house where the party was being held, the music getting louder and louder as we got closerwent.

"Whoa," Penny mumbled, looking up at the big building, the front lawn littered with people in all sorts of costumes. Their drinks were all the colors of the rainbow, and I had to admit that they looked pretty good.

Maybe this party wasn't going to be all that badas bad.

The beat of the music shook me to my core when we entered the house, and I knew that I would be spending more time outside to avoid going deaf.

"Hey, Jamie," Dylan cooed from behind me, although his intent to sound sexy got a little lost as he had to practically scream the words over the noise.

I turned and raised my brows at his costume. He was just wearing a white robe, the fabric draped over his shoulder in a way to show off the maximum amount of skin on his chest. Classic white boy.

Not that I was complaining. Dylan was hot.

His sculpted abs were highlighted with a little gold, and my eyes lingered on them before I looked up. A gold wreath sat on top of his messy hair, and his jaw was shaven clean for a change.

"Hi, Dylan," I purred back, looking him up and down while I ran my tongue over my lips. Maybe I could see myself becoming a little more interested than I thought.

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