Chapter Thirty-One

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My mother's words echoed through my mind as I made my way back to the dorms about two hours later. It was still midday, and people stared at me as I passed-covered in dirt-but I couldn't care less.

She told me she wasn't letting me stay a second longer now that she knew there was a serial killer at large on campus. Not that she knew the police thought they solved the case when they arrested Aiyden, but that didn't matter. I couldn't tell her about him anyway.

I couldn't share anything good going on in my life with my parents.

At some point in my life, I would've shared anything with her. We had been like best friends when I was younger, but when I got to high school, things changed. I missed our relationship, but at the same time I was glad to have others I could talk to.

Naturally, she was livid when I told her I was staying on campus, threatening to stop paying my tuition, but that didn't make me leave. I would find a way. And as much as I hated being here right now, this was where my friends were. Where nobody made me feel like I wasn't good enough.

I was so lost in thought that I walked straight into someone.

"Oh, Goodness. Miss Alcarez." The dean. Of course.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." I attempted to continue my walk, but she stopped me. Mrs. Stolly and I had only met a couple of times. Maybe even more than usual, but that's what you get when you're a new student I suppose.

"Ms. Alcarez? Can I have a word?"

I slowly turned, my stomach doing somersaults. There were only a few things she could want to talk to me about.

"Here?" I asked, gesturing to the ground, and Mrs. Stolly nearly smiled. Nearly.

She strode past me, jerking her chin to the administration building. "Walk with me."

I did as she said, be it with some hesitation.

She didn't say anything as we walked down the path, the sky above us turning grayer bywith the second. God, what I wouldn't have given to stay and just get soaking wet instead of preparing for a difficult conversation. Because it was obvious that was the direction this was heading.

Once we made it inside, the rain started, and Mrs. Stolly closed the only window in her office before she sat down behind her desk. The snap made me jump, the action perfectly symbolizing how trapped I suddenly felt.

"Now," she started, folding her hands together on topontop of her desk and leaning forward. I shifted in my seat, avoiding her hazel eyes. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

I swallowed. Was it getting hot in here?

"Yes, Ma'am?"

Her expression turned less inviting when she spoke again. "It has come to my attention that you have been meeting with Professor Davis for tutoring once a week, correct?"

I nodded, my heart rate spiking. She was asking a rather normal question, but just the mention of his name was enough to make me panic.

"And now that he is...otherwise engaged, I was wondering if you still needed guidance for the course?"

There were some subjects I expected her to talk about, and this wasn't necessarily one of them. Maybe I had misread the situation.

My mouth opened to reply, but nothing really came out.

Before I could even think of something to say, she spoke again. "It's a bit late now, but I'd like to give you some advice." She leaned in a little more, lowering her voice. "Be careful who you trust. We both know what happened with Ava."

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