Chapter Thirty

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I got back to the dorms just before ten, quickly walking through the common room and making my way to my own. Felicity was detangling her wet hair when I closed the door behind me and floated over to my corner.

"What's up with you?" She placed her brush on her desk and hopped onto my bed next to me, tightening her robe.

I took a deep breath and pushed my hair out of my face. "Aiyden told me he loves me."

She gasped, bouncing up and down on the bed. Normally, I'd stop her and tell her she was being ridiculous, but this time, I joined her. I had never felt like this before and it was amazing.

Once we were done squealing, I let myself fall back on my bed and looked up to the ceiling. Even the yellow stains at the edges of each plate didn't bother me as much.

"But like," Felicity started as she dropped beside me. "What about his wife? And you can't just keep sneaking around all the time."

My smile faded and it felt like a bucket of ice water was thrown over my head. She was right. There was so much working against us being together, that I started to wonder if he would feel like it was worth it. And I had totally forgotten about his wife.

"If she finally fucking signs the divorce papers, she won't be a problem anymore. And the rest..." I sighed.

One step at a time. It wasn't like we were planning on getting married any time soon. Maybe we could even wait until I graduate before we took things any further.

"You know what? Fuck that. It's good to see you like this. You're glowing."

I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. "We just had sex in the library."

Felicity gasped and then frowned, probably unable to decide if she loved it or found it utterly disgusting. She settled on, "Tthat's...risky."

I nodded, hopping off the bed when I remembered something I brought from Aiyden and I's little adventure. Now that I was out of the sexy haze I had been in earlier, I found the condom a little bit more disgusting than before, so I made sure it was fully wrapped in the tissue before I took it out.

"What the fuck is that?" Felicity exclaimed and I rolled my eyes with a smirk, pretending to throw it at her. She screamed and jumped up, frantically looking around for the culprit-that I was still holding in my hands.

"Don't worry, I'm not that nasty." I trashed the condom and grabbed a towel, gathering my stuff to go take a shower.

Felicity had opened up a tub with lotion, taking some out and rubbing it over her legs while she shook her head. "Yeah go shower, nasty girl."


Over the next few days, I felt good.

Some would say it was a bit suspicious that everything was quiet and well, but I was too busy with Aiyden to notice. We spent every moment we could together, sneaking around on campus during the day and meeting at his house at night. It was risky and we were being incredibly reckless, but I couldn't stop. No voice of reason would stop me from seeing this man anymore.

It had been nearly a week since I had slept a night at the dorms, but Penny would be coming back soon, so I wouldn't feel as guilty anymore about leaving Felicity alone. She probably didn't even mind. The girl was a social butterfly but I knew she needed her alone time every once in a while.

I was surprised the redhead actually wanted to finish her year here. I couldn't imagine how she must feel. Wouldn't campus be a trigger for her? And who knew that when the killer found out, would they decided to finish the job?

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