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There was no better feeling than waking up with a man's face between your legs. And there was no better man than Aiyden when it came to giving head.

My back arched as his tongue dove between my folds, his nose hitting the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs every once in a while, providing that occasional extra bolt of pleasure.

"Oh, God," I moaned softly, grabbing the sheets between my fists and squeezing my eyes shut. It wasn't like I didn't want to see Aiyden as he ate me out, but I couldn't cope with the euphoric feeling shooting to every nerve ending in my body with open eyes.

He pushed two fingers into me, the movement releasing the most obscene sound imaginable, but it turned me on even more. "Shh, little devil. You'll wake up Willow."

"Have you seen the girl sleep? She's like her father." I yelped when he dug his teeth into the skin of my pelvis, and I opened my eyes. "Aiyden."

He grinned up at me, licking his lips before diving straight back in.

I tried to keep my moans to a minimum as he swiftly brought me to the edge, lapping at my pussy like it was his last meal. In the past five years, nothing had changed, and we were still insatiable. Things only seemed to get worse after the pregnancy, and if we hadn't been careful, baby number two would have been here before we could blink.

We hadn't decided on more kids, so for now, just our little Willow was more than enough.

"Yes, yes, yes," I gasped, pushing my head into the pillow as I arched my back further, using every ounce of strength I had left not to squeeze Aiyden's head clean from his body.

He curled his fingers deep inside of me and the orgasm slammed into me, every muscle in my body tightening and flexing as I rode it out.

"You're so beautiful," Aiyden mumbled as he licked his fingers, crawling up the length of my body to press his lips to mine.

"I love you." I kissed him back, pushing my tongue into his mouth. It turned slow and sensual fast, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His erection was straining the fabric of his boxers, and I suddenly felt the need to have him inside of me.

I rocked my hips against him, smirking against his lips. "Fuck me, Aiyden. Come on."

Just as he reached for his underwear, the sound of soft little footsteps sounded in the hall. We had made it into an extreme sport to get decent as quickly as possible over the years, so when the door opened, just the blush on my cheeks would be able to give away our little sexy session.

"Mommy," Willow said, the top of her head bobbing above the mattress the only thing I could see before Aiyden lifted her onto the bed.

"Yes, baby?" I asked, sitting up against the headboard and putting her onto my lap.

She looked at her dad, smiling. She was the female version of him, and the way the corners of her mouth curled up was identical to the way Aiyden's often wouldwould often.

I brushed a braid out of her face, kissing our beautiful girl on the forehead.

"What are you up to, Winnie?" Aiyden narrowed his eyes at her, reaching to tickle her tummy. She giggled and the sound made my heart swell with love.

"No, stop, daddy!"

Aiyden pulled back and frowned playfully at her before getting out of bed and disappearing down the hall. I cocked my head at Willow. "Was there something you wanted to say, baby?"

She started bouncing on my lap, her tiny fists in the air. "Can we visit the doggy again?"

I chuckled. Ever since Penelope got a puppy, Willow had been obsessed. I had been weary of the Pit Bull, but she was super gentle with our daughter, despite her young age. The redhead had gotten the dog when she started receiving some weird letters without an address on the envelope in the mail, and I could tell that the dog managed to lift a lot of tension from her shoulders.

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