Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I had pulled Aiyden's shirt back on and wore a pair of sweatpants, looking like an absolute mess as Felicity and I made our way through the hospital to Penny's room. The blonde hadn't asked questions when Aiyden had dropped me off earlier, and I was grateful.

The hallways seemed to go on forever and I nearly screamed when all the elevators were on a different floor, keeping us waiting for far too long.

"I hope she's okay," Felicity said softly, nearly too soft to be heard over the sound of her foot tapping nervously on the floor.

I nodded, yelping when the ding of an elevator sounded through the hallway.

We quickly stepped in, almost walking into an elderly man who was just exiting.

"I'm sorry," I said, shooting him a smile before frantically pressing the button for the right floor. If he would move his ass a little quicker, it would definitely help, but throwing his walking stick down the hallway and saying 'fetch' probably wasn't going to be the right way of getting him to do so.

So we smiled and waved instead, be it with a little twitch of the eye.

When we finally made it to the right floor and sped down the hallway, I slowed my step when we noticed two officers standing outside Penny's room. The door was shut and a tense feeling overtook me as we closed in on them.

"What the hell?" Felicity whispered, equally as confused and if anything a little shocked.

It wasn't like we didn't expect the police to visit Penny once she woke up, but not to this extent maybe. Was she in trouble? Or maybe they came with so many to protect her?

We approached the men, exchanging looks about what to do. I shrugged, straightening my back as I walked to the door, ignoring the cops.

"Excuse me, miss. You can't go in there," one of them said and he blocked my way with an arm, forcing my attention on him. He looked to be in his forties and exactly the person not to take shit from anyone, so I cleared my throat and took a step back.

"Sorry, sir. We're friends of Penny's."

The officer nodded, but he didn't remove his arm.

"I suggest you come back in half an hour, my colleagues are asking your friend a couple of questions."

Felicity placed a hand on my shoulder and I turned, taking the hint not to argue. Fine, half an hour.


The coffee in the hospital cafeteria was the worst I ever tasted. Not that I was a big coffee drinker anyway but I just knew they didn't put any effort into their drinks when the first drop hit my tongue.

I looked at Felicity's Coke, my mouth watering at the bubbles that fizzed to the surface. Would it be overkill if I just ordered another drink?

"Do you want a sip?" she asked, wrapping her lips around her straw and looking me in the eye as she nearly drained her glass in one go.

I scoffed, picking up my latte and trying not to destroy my tastebuds as I took a small sip.

"Has it been half an hour yet?" I changed the subject, placing my coffee back on the table. I had decided not to force myself to finish it.

Felicity checked her phone, sighing as she sunk back in her chair. "We've got five minutes left."

I raised my brows and picked up my own, nudging my head to the elevators. Sure, we still had time left but patience wasn't something I mastered.

She shrugged, downing her coke before standing from her seat. She crinkled her nose and closed her eyes for a second.

"You okay?"

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