Chapter Thirty-Six

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Tears sprung into my eyes and fell down my temples in my hair. I was sobbing uncontrollably, but not as much in sadness as I would've expected. I was angry.

I didn't know the whole truth yet, but if Felicity was here, it meant she was involved. She had betrayed us. Betrayed me. The first friend I had made when I came here. The girl who had been supportive of everything I did no matter how stupid.

I guess it was all an act after all.

The jingling of bracelets was taunting me now, reappearing every now and then to remind me of the ultimate betrayal.

I closed my eyes, trying to press the tears from them. I hated crying over people who didn't deserve it. Or crying in general.

God, I had been such an idiot. And how could Felicity do this? I hadn't known the girl that long, of course, so maybe I just hadn't paid enough attention.

I laid there in my misery, for what felt like hours. My body and mind were exhausted, so luckily for me, a dreamless sleep took me over eventually.

When I woke up, the room was still dark, but my tears had dried. I had no idea where I was, how long I had been here, and what Mrs. Stolly and Felicity had planned next.

Jesus. Thinking about her as a serial killer still didn't sit right with me, and in the hours I spent in this room, alone, I started to wonder if I had imagined it. My mind could be playing tricks on me.

There was no doubt anymore when the door opened and the familiar blonde stood in on the threshold. She opened her mouth before closing it again as if she didn't expect me to be awake.

I looked away pretty quickly, staring at the wall next to my face. I couldn't let her see how heartbroken I really was over her betrayal.

"Jay..." she said softly, taking a step into the room.

"Don't," I snapped back, my eyes watering once again. My heart ached for the amazing friendship that had been ruined within seconds.

She shuffled further into the room, appearing next to me. Her face was red and blotchy, and she had a bruise under her right eye. "I'm so sorry, I just..." Her voice was hoarse and she seemed on the edge of crying, the complete opposite of the amazing girl she had shown me all this time. "My family-" All the color drained from her face and I decided to look her in the eye, her words echoing through my mind.

Why was she talking about her family? I didn't know much about them, but she always seemed to be fine. Actually, as I stared at her expression, I realized that I never really knew anything about her and her family. After all, I hadn't known the girl at all.

"What?" I asked, desperate for answers and an explanation even though my heart was telling me she didn't deserve the opportunity.

"I didn't have a choice. Please believe me."

I let out a humorless chuckle. "Just leave me alone." As much as I wanted to know what she had to say, I couldn't hear it right now.

"I never wanted this life," she mumbled softly, sliding down the wall until she sat on the ground. I closed my eyes and pressed more tears from my lashes as she continued to talk. "My dad had an affair and had me out of wedlock. He didn't want anything to do with me until a couple of years ago, and my stepfather..."

Her voice trembled with fear and I slowly opened my eyes, watching her as best as I could from the angle I was laying. Her face had lost all color.

"I grew up in a very religious family, and they didn't like it when I spoke out about how I didn't share the same beliefs. I know it's no excuse..." She sniffled, swallowing hard. "But I was scared."

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