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That night was awkward. After that hot tub incident, Tom left our room, probably to his friends or some whore. I took a shower and went to bed. It was 10 PM and I was really tired

Later that night I heard knocking on the door. Of course, I locked them, who do you think I am. I went over the door and unlocked them, slowly opening them to see Tom standing there. His hair was completely messed up.

I rolled my eyes and let him in "can I sleep in a bed with you?" He asked cockily and I snored "definitely not" I said and locked the door again.  I saw him taking my blanket and putting it on the floor. What the fuck

"Tom, what are you doing?" I frowned and took my blanket back "there is just one blanked" he shrugged "then take a towel or something" I said tiredly, he laughed "absolutely not happening, cupcake" he took my blanket again covering himself on the floor, I rolled my eyes

"Tom I'm not sleeping without any blanked, give me it" I said reaching for the blanket he's covered with. When I pulled he pulled too causing me to fall on top of him. I squeaked by surprise.

My breath hitched when I saw him looking at my lips. I mentally smirked. I kissed him in the corner of his mouth and traveled down on his jaw and neck. I heard him moaning softly. I bit his earlobe and he squeezed my hips. I smirked for myself.

I started kissing him on the jaw again and moved to look into his eyes. Our parted lips were touching. He was breathing heavily, looking into my eyes. As he was about to lean in, I stole a blanket from him and went to lay down on my bed

"Fucking hell" I heard him cursing under his breath and I smirked immediately "goodnight to you too" I said innocently and drifted off to sleep



A knocking on the door woke me up. I looked up at the clock on the wall 9:49 I haven't slept that long in such a long time.

I heard the knocking again and tried to stand up but something pull me down on the bed. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked behind me to see Tom, shirtless.

"Tom what the fuck?! I said you're sleeping on the floor" I whisper-shouted and got out of his grip "I was cold" he mumbled and turned to the other side. I heard that knocking again. Hhhh, who could be knocking in 10 AM

I opened the door to see Ace in a black t-shirt and some jeans. I immediately looked at my outfit, short shorts, and tank top. My hair was just one big mess and I haven't had my makeup on. Great. "Um hey, am I interrupting something?" He raised his eyebrows and my eyes widened "you do actually" said a voice behind me and immediately slapped myself, mentally

Tom came up beside me and put his hand on my waist. He was just in sweatpants and let me tell you, his abs are so lickable "no you're not interrupting anything" I said pushing Tom off of me "can we please meet in the dining room in 10?" I asked and he nodded with a smile on his face. He's so adorable "see you there" he chuckled and left.

I smiled before turning around, looking straight at Tom "what the fuck was that?!" I asked slumming the door shut "what was what" Tom asked innocently, putting on some t-shirt "hhhh, nevermind"

I went over to the bathroom. I did my business and put some makeup on, before brushing my hair. Then I went to my closet, seeing Tom scrolling through his phone. I find cute ripped jeans and I took some crop top sweatshirt before putting my converse on "don't forget to lock the door" I said when I was in the doorway "yes mom" Tom shouted and I rolled my eyes. Such a child

As I arrived at the dining room I saw Ace sitting by the table eating breakfast, I came over and sit opposite him, he smiled and moved a plate over to me "I bring something for you too" he said and I chuckled and bit into the bread with jam. I moaned in satisfaction and Ace chuckled "you love jam don't you?" He asked and I nodded "noted" he said under his breath and I smiled

"So, where do you want to go today?" I asked after I finished my bread "I heard that there's a pool, or we can play tennis or billiard or darts. It's up to you" Ace shrugged and I smirked "well, we have a whole day, right?" Ace chuckled and nodded "right" I stand up and picked my things "let's start with the darts" I smiled innocently "lead the way" I said and Ace put his hand on my waist and led me over to some empty gaming room

"I didn't know you were that good at darts" Ace said surprisingly. I laughed and hit another triple 20 "my dad way at PDC, you know what it is?" I asked and he shook his head "it's something like the highest ranking for darts players" I hit the double 20 and won the set

"Let's do something you'll be good at" I teased him and he snored " it'll be snooker then" he smirked "we'll see" I chuckled and followed him to the billiard table

"Let's make a bet" Ace smirked at me when we arrived at the table "what bet?" I asked curiously "when you win, I'll do whatever you say to me to do" I chuckled "and when I lose?" I leaned my hands on the table "you'll have to kiss me" he smirked at me and I blushed "bet" I said shooking his hand

(a/n guys I don't understand snooker that much so....yeah) Ace let me start and I already get a red ball in a hole, I smirked at him, putting another one in the hole "holy smokes" Ace whispered for himself and I chuckled

Once I didn't hit the ball in a hole Ace came behind me taking my place. Almost half of a table was done when he finally missed. I walk to the table hit another red ball to the hole.

It was 44:45, I was losing and I was at the table right now. Two balls left. I hit the red one and put it in the hole. I took a deep breath it's 45:45 just hit that black ball and you'll win. I said to myself. I hit the white ball with my cue, the white ball hit the black one which was now rolling over to the corner hole. It hit the corner of the hole and stopped a few millimeters away from the hole. Fucking hell.

I looked over at Ace who had a smirk on his face. He came to the table. Looking like he was concentrating. He hit the white ball that hit the black ball that fell right in the hole. I frowned and my breath hitched when I realized what I have to do. Ace came closer to me, a smirk still on his face. He leaned closer so our eyes were in the same lever, and closed his eyes, waiting for me to kiss him.

I slipped my hand behind his neck, breathing on his lips before kissing him on the cheek. I pulled away and he opened his eyes confused "that wasn't a kiss I meant" I shrugged "you didn't say what kind of kiss" I smiled innocently and he looked at me murderously "I'll win that kiss in the next game" he said confidently and I chuckled "Yeah, sure" I rolled my eyes

He didn't win that kiss in the next game, and not even the game after which was tennis. I'm good at tennis so I beat him up and won the bet so he had to ask some random guy for his number. I tried not to burst out of laughter when the guy winked at him and wrote his number on his palm

He came to me and slapped my shoulder, but I started laughing even more "when you'll lose again, I'll dare you to call him" I smirked at him and his eyes widened "ok, let's stop with bets" he said frightened and I laughed even more "but I just started to having fun" I said mockingly "we tried every game that is in there, let's go to the lunch, it's already 2 PM" he said and I nodded

At lunch, we just talked about random stuff. His family, my family, pets, schools, favorite food, just random things.

After that, we decided to go to the swimming pool


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Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now