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It's been a few days since my birthday and let me tell you. 18 is not a special number. I'm one year older congratulations! Yeah, bye.... The best thing about this is that I can legally drink alcohol in England. Don't think I'll use it sometimes but who knows

The whole week we were just snowboarding, skiing, laughing and having fun with our friends. Bryan joined our group and get along with all the boys. I'm happy for him.

Now, we're sitting in the gaming room, watching Bryan and AJ fighting mortal combat. Tom and I were sitting next to each other. When he put his hand around my shoulder, Bryan looked at the sudden move and I saw his jaw clenched. What is wrong with him? He looked back and lost the game. He stands up and gets out of the door. I scrunched my eyebrows and stand up too

"Where are you going, cupcake?" Tom asked holding me by my hand. "Just find out what's wrong with him" I nodded to the door and he nodded and kissed me before I left.

I found Bryan sitting by the pool. His palms on his face and elbows rested on his knees. "Bry?" I asked softly making my way towards him slowly. He looked up at me and I saw anger and sadness in his eyes. "What's wrong, Bry? You just left out of nowhere" I asked curiously and he clenched his jaw.

"It's nothing, Kate. I just needed to get out of there for a minute" he smiled at me but I know that it wasn't his real smile "you can tell me everything, you know?" I said and sat beside him, holding his hand tightly. He tensed and pulled away, standing up. "Let's go," he said and I looked at him confused but nodded and we went back to the group

All I could think of all day was Bryan's weird behavior. Like, what is wrong with him, and out of nowhere... I and Tom sat by our usual table at lunch all guys of our group were there. It's weird, I know them for almost two weeks and I still don't know everyone's names.

I sat next to Tom and James and Bryan was in front of me, staring at me. I looked back at him but when our eyes locked, he looked away. I felt Tom's hand squeezing my thigh. Looking at him I saw confusion in his eyes. I just shrugged and started to eat.

After lunch, we all decided to go to town. We sat on the bus and looked for the places we could go. There is some park or laser games. We end up choosing laser games and left the bus when it stopped at the stop we needed

They gave us some weird helmets where we can't see the other players through. I was in the blue team with James, Ange, and other two guys I can't remember their names and in the red team there was Tom, AJ, Bryan, Seth, and Harrison

When the game started they gave us laser guns and turned off the lights. There was just some red and blue light coming from the walls and our suits. When I saw Tom's blue jeans I sneaked behind him and wrapped my hands around him. "My bad boy, what are you doing here all alone?" I teased

I felt him tense but he then turned around and sat me on his lap. I smirked and took off his helmet and he took off mine. I didn't see into his face due to almost no light in the room but I know he smirks too. I catch him by his face and kissed him. He looked a little taken back but kissed me back immediately and put his hand around my waist.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth and squeezed my butt. He never did that before. I bit his lip and felt him starting to pull my suit off. I widened my eyes and pulled away "Tom what are you doing" I asked and looked him in the face "no Tom in here, baby" he whispered and I froze and jumped off of him. Fucking hell I just made out with AJ!

"Fuck" I hissed under my breath and looked around "don't you dare tell someone about it. We'll talk about it later" I warned him and put my helmet back on. I heard his laugh before I left

I just fucking kissed AJ. Tom can't know about it. He would beat the shit out of him. "Well, hello, cupcake" I heard someone say before he shoot right on my chest and laughed. "Sorry, cupcake, I had to," Tom said and side hugged me. I didn't say anything and just stay silent.

I can't tell him. I don't know AJ that long but I hope he won't tell him either. If he will, I'm screwed and he is too.

After our game, the red team won. We decided to go and eat something for dinner. I saw AJ still looking at me. I tried ignoring him but it's tough to avoid someone's eye contact when he's staring at you. I looked into his eyes and he smirked at me.

"So...how was your game, Kate?" AJ asked me and I clenched my teeth, looking away. Tom sat beside me and looked at me "somethings wrong?" He asked and I smiled at him and shook my head "the game was fun" I nodded and bit into my hamburger "glad to hear that" AJ said and I had an urge to kill him on the place.

Tom looked at me confused but I just shrugged it off and finnish my burger. I left to go to the toilet and when I came out I saw Bryan leaning against the wall. I smiled at him and walked towards the table but he catch my wrist and stopped me. I turned around confused expression on my face.

He didn't tell anything, all he did was stare at me. His jaw was clenched when he looked behind me. I turned around to see AJ walking towards us. "Hey man, can I talk to Kate for a minute?" AJ asked and Bryan nodded and left

AJ smirked at me "so I'm your bad boy?" He tilted his head on the side and grinned. "Look, it was a mistake, I thought you were Tom. Why did you kiss me back anyway?!" I asked him little annoyed. He just shrugged, I rolled my eyes. "please don't tell Tom, okay?" I said and he licked his lip "what will I get if I won't tell him?" He asked and I frowned "what do you want?" I asked and crossed my hands over my chest

"Another kiss" he smirked at me "definitely not," I said and looked away "then I think Tom will be surprised by the news I'm going to tell him," he said and turned around to leave. I clenched my teeth and grab his wrist before dragging him into the restroom. I checked if anyone is in there before standing on my tiptoes, kissing him quickly.

He took me by my neck and moved me closer to him. I put my hands on his chest trying to pull away. He pulled away and frowned "oh god you're acting like on that party a few months ago"  he rolled his eyes and I looked at him confused "what are you talking about?" I asked seriously "oh please, don't tell me you didn't like it when I fucked you" he smirked and I swallowed nervously and backed up

I looked around before looking at him "Y-you" I started to panic. My breath quickened and my head started rolling. I felt the tears rolling down my cheek "you were the guy?" I asked. That was the last thing I said before everything went black.....


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Hi hunnybunnies, funny thing. I literally blacked out for the first time today when I wrote this chapter. Such a coincidence, huh?😂 anyways...hope you like it! And sorry for the short chapter ❤️❤️

Love you

1398 words

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