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"Kate," said some familiar voice. I scrunched my eyebrows "few more minutes" I mumbled and turned on the other side of the bed

I heard a light chuckle and smiled when I heard him. "There's no school today, cupcake. Open your eyes" Tom said and I groaned and opened my eyes.

I was facing the window and the light shone right into my eyes. I scrunched my eyebrows ones more and looked around

Ok. This is definitely not my room...

Looking at Tom he smiled at me. I smiled back, confused. "Why am I here?" I asked and looked at the injection in my arm

"You blacked out again. They gave you something so you won't be so tired or something. I really didn't listen to that nurse I just wanted to be with you"

I smiled at him. He cares. But then it hit me.

Bryan apologizing. Me crying. The car crash. Me calling emergency. And me blacking out

My eyes widen. I sit up and looked around "where is Bryan?" I panicked and started to stand up but Tom put me back down "he's here too. But you can't go to him now. They're operating on him," he said silently and I felt the tears in my eyes

Is it that bad that they're operating him? It's all my fault that it happen to him. what would I pay for it if I were in his place and he just sat on this bed and there was nothing wrong with him.

"I-Is he okay?" I felt my hands shake. Tom sighed and looked away quickly "he's not really in a good state. He lost a lot of blood and hit his head bad because he haven't had the seatbelt on" He put a strand of hair behind my ear

The tears already rolling down my cheeks "it was my fault. If I would just forgive him he'd be okay and with me but I didn't and he just crushed into the tree" I sobbed and Tom move me into his chest immediately

"It is not your fault, cupcake," he said into my hair but I didn't believe him. "It is Tom!" I cried and pulled away from him "he would never crush if I'd fucking forgive him! Do you understand? It is my fault and no one else's!" Tom clenched his jaw and looked away

"The police said that he did it on purpose. There was nothing on the road and his breaks were just fine. His whole car was fine. It was his decision Kate" Tom said in a whisper and that caused more tears to escape from my eyes

He did it because of me. I caused him to do it. I am the reason he just crushed into a tree because he was heartbroken and I didn't even say 'I forgive you'

My thoughts bring more and more tears into my eyes. Staring at Tom shocked I tried to wipe my tears. I sobbed like a little kid and Tom was holding my hands the whole time, stroking my palms with his thumbs

What if he dies. It'll be my fault and it will haunt me my whole life. The thought of me seeing him crush into the tree and his bloody face. His peaceful face when I pulled him out of the car

Ah fuck, my head hurts bad from crying right now. "Is there water or something?" I asked and held my head "yeah, I'll bring it to you, give me a few seconds" Tom said and run of the room

I leaned my head against the bed in the sitting position and closed my eyes. A few seconds later there comes a breathless Tom with a cup of water in his hand

He smiled at me and hand me the cup. I laughed at him and drink from the water before handing it to him "here, drink it up, you look kinda breathless" I teased him and he chuckled and drank the rest of the cup

After a few minutes of talking. Angel and Seth came to see me too. I saw how bad Angel looks. She has red eyes and cheeks.

I spread my arms for her and she immediately hugged me "I'm so sorry, it's my fault" I sobbed on her shoulder "don't say that. You didn't know" she said and squeezed me tight before pulling away and wiping her tears

I wipe my own eyes. "Does they know how is he?" I asked and Ange shook her head. I sighed and laid my head back on the bed.

I patted the spot next to me, Ange smiled sadly and lay next to me "I and Seth will go and bring some food" Tom said and I thanked him as they left

I cuddled into Angel's chest and hugged her stomach "sooooo" I started and I felt her chuckle "you and Seth?" I teased and she put her hand on mine and play with my ring

"We're trying," she said shyly and I squeaked "I'm sooo happy for you. You deserve someone like Seth. Does he treat you well?" I asked and I know she smiling right now "he does" she whispered and I nodded and felt the tears in my eyes again

I sobbed softly and Ange turned my head to look at me "why are you crying?" She asked and her own tears started forming in her eyes

"I'm just happy for you" I sobbed again and she smiled and cuddled into me more "I'm happy for you too," she said and I smiled

After a few hours, we both woke up from our peaceful sleep when I feel Tom shake my shoulder gently

I opened my eyes and looked at him tiredly. He smiled "Bryan is after surgery, we can visit him now," Tom said gently and I immediately turned into a sitting position

"Angel, Angel, Angel" I started and shook her shoulders. She opened her eyes in a toxic way "Bryan is after surgery, we can go visit him!" I almost shouted and she widened her eyes and sit up as well

We both put our boots on and run to his room. Angel leads the way since I don't know where his room is.

When we walked into his room quietly, we saw him sleeping like a child after a long walk. I smiled sadly at him

He did have a long walk tho...

We slowly walked towards his bed. Me on the right side and Ange on the left one. We both held his hand and stroked it

"Never have I ever saw him in that calm state" Angel joked and I chuckled lightly "me too," I said and squeezed his hand gently

After a few minutes of just staring at him, Angel said that she will go to Seth for a minute. I smiled at her and mouthed a little thank you.

She winked and left. She knows how much I want to be alone with him right now

I stroked his hand again and sobbed. "Hey, I know you don't hear me but maybe you do. I wanted to say and tell you how much of an idiot you are. You did complete bullshit, I hope you know that. And if you don't, then after you wake up I will scream it into your face...Oh god I hope you wake up" I whispered the last part as tears slipped down my cheeks

"But you know that I still love you with all my heart. You are my spare brother, never forget it okay? Never." I took a deep breath and looked at his closed eyes

"You don't even know how much I was scared when I saw you crushing into that tree. Like, what were you thinking? I won't leave you just because of that shit you did at the club. I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon so you have to wake up to be with me too" I bring his hand to my lips and kissed his knuckles softly

"Just wake up or I'll do it myself and you don't want to know how" I chuckled, the small smile appearing on my lips. "You don't leave me. You know I won't survive without you. You are my brother for life and death, remember?" I said

That was what we promised ourselves when we were little. That we will stay together through everything in our lives, we'll always be together. It was just a stupid promise but deep inside it had some sense in it

"Please do not leave me. I love you" I whispered and last glanced at him before standing up to leave. I wiped my tears with my sleeve and let go of his hand. I wanted to do a step but felt a hand holding my wrist


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Hi, hunnybunnies I cried a lot through this and the previous chapter, but imma ending it soon so enjoy my chapters till they are still new tho...❤️❤️

Love you

1534 words

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