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I waited till she fall asleep, hugging her. I couldn't fall asleep myself. All I was thinking was AJ, AJ, and AJ. How could he do such a thing? That bastard. I'm going to kill him.

When I knew she was sleeping. I stand up slowly and made my way out of her room. Blood boiling in my body, I looked for AJ. When I saw Seth and Ange sitting on the couch I made my way over them "guys, where did AJ go?" I asked angrily and Ange looked at me confused. "He went to the toilet," Seth said and I nodded and walked there

I saw AJ leaving the restroom and made my way over to him. "Hey bro, how is she?" He asked innocently. That dick. I pushed him against the wall by his neck. All I saw was red. He catches my hand trying to pull me off "f..ck.. I..ca..t...brea..e."

I pull my hand off. He falls to the ground immediately. I sat on him keeping his hands down "you think it is okay to fucking rape girls?" I hissed and hit him in the face. He tried to get me off him but I am stronger than him. "Be glad we're in the hospital, they can take care of you once I'm done" I said hitting his nose. I saw blood coming from it

I stand up and looked down at him "stand up" I ordered him but he didn't even move "stand the fuck up" I said and kicking his ribs. He hissed in pain and stand up slowly. I pushed him against the wall again hitting his stomach over and over again. He didn't do anything to defend himself "Fuck Tom stop it!" I heard a voice. Turned around I saw Seth and Harrison walking toward us.

I hit him the last time before pulling away. He fell to the ground "you touch her again, and I'll kill you" I pointed at him and turned around to leave "dude was it necessary? He just kissed her" Haz said and I clenched my bloody knuckles "he didn't do just that," I said and grabbed a tissue from the table and cleaned them

"What did he do then?" Seth asked and I turned to look at them "that's non of your fucking business!" I burst out and walked into Kate's room to see her parents sitting there, Angel was beside them. I tried to calm down and then spoke up

"Good morning Mrs. and Mr. Smith," I said and they turned and looked at me "Tom, hey. It's nice to see you in person" Mrs. Smith said and stand up to hug me "I'm sorry I wasn't with her to take care of her when that happened" I said and she shook her head, pulled away "it's not your fault, Tom. She's okay and that's the main thing" she smiled sadly at me and I nodded

I shook my hand with Mr. Smith and told them how that happened but didn't mention the raping and kissing thing. When Kate woke up I let her and her parents talk and went to the hallway to buy myself something to eat and drink, then sat beside the others. I'm glad they're waiting too with me.

"Tom" I heard someone say. Looking up I saw James, his hands over his chest, pity look on his face "AJ is sanding me to tell you that he's sorry for what he did. You beat him really bad, he has a few broken ribs and a broken nose" I clenched my teeth "it's his fault, not mine" I said through gritted teeth and James nodded "he just send me to say sorry" he said and left

He's sorry. Yeah, he should be. That fucking monster should be in jail and not in the hospital. I did what he fucking deserved.

I walked into Kate's room an hour later. She was awake, smiling and talking to her parents. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. I sat on her bed holding her hand "you ok?" I asked softly. She nodded squeezing my hand lightly

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