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I breathe out and rested my head on the couch. When I looked at Ace I saw a disappointment in his eyes. Don't do that. You won, not him "Ace?" I said and he turned his head towards me "I have a dare for you" I said and he nodded. Don't. "kiss me" I whispered and not even three seconds later he moved closer to me and kissed my cheek. I chuckled. "Really?" I asked with a smile on my face

"I just wanted to know how you'll react" he said before slamming his lips on mine. I responded immediately and put my hand on his shoulder and he slide his hand behind my neck moving me closer to him.

I felt him licking my lower lip, asking for permission. I opened my mouth and let him in. Our tongues fought for dominance. I sat on his lap and hugged his neck while kissing him. He moaned when I pulled his hair and he squeezed my ass.

I slowly pulled away looking him in the eyes. I saw him smiling at me. I rested my forehead on his, looking at him "you're an amazing kisser" he whispered and I chuckled "well, thank you, you weren't that bad yourself" I teased and he bit his lip.

When I heard the door open, I looked in their direction to see Tom standing there. Fuck. I stand up from Ace and looked at Tom. He had an angry expression on his face. I saw his clenched teeth. He almost ran to me and catch me by my wrist, not too hard just to make me move.

I felt something catching me by my other wrist. I looked at Ace who was looking at Tom "what the fuck do you think you're doing? She is with me, not you." Ace said angrily, standing up. "Let her go, bro. Mind your own business." Tom snapped, his thumb was stroking my skin. It was kind of comforting. "You wasn't the one who kissed her. So let her go before I make you." Ace said and my breath hitched. I didn't dare looked Tom in the eyes but I knew he looked hurt before he looked at Ace

"Then make me" Tom said through clenched teeth. Ace let go of my wrist and punched Tom, but Tom managed to avoid his punch and let go of my wrist before punching Ace in the jaw. Hard.

Ace fall backwards but didn't fall on the ground. He looked at me before looking at Tom again. He threw a punch on him and hit his eye. I didn't know what to do. I have no power to stop them myself.... At least I can try

"Fuck, Ace stop it!" I said and stand between them. Ace was in front of me and Tom was behind. Ace didn't register that I'm standing in front of him and threw a punch right on my cheek.

I fell backwards but Tom caught me before I was on the ground. Ace's expression softened "oh my god, Katie. I'm so sorry, are you ok? I'm so fucking sorry." Ace was repeating over and over again. His punch was very hard.

"Yeah, I'm ok," I said looking on the floor. I did my best not to cry. "Um, see you later..." I said before turning around and leaving. I saw Tom looking at him murderously. I heard Ace's shouting behind me but I ignored it and went to my room. Tom was right behind me

He unlocked the door and let me in before he closed the door and looked at me. "Are you ok, it was a hard punch" he said and came closer to me. I nodded my head and looked at the ground, trying not to cry again.

He lifted my head with his fingers and looked me in the eyes. I'm sure he saw the tears in them "it doesn't look good, cupcake. You should put an ice on it" he run his thumb across my cheek "well, look at yourself" I smiled and he chuckled

He had blood coming from his lip and a shaping bruise on his eye. His beautiful brown eyes. And his lips. Fuck I would kiss them even though there's blood on them. "What are you thinking about, cupcake" he bowed his head on the side, looking at me. "Honestly?" I asked looking at his lips. He nodded his head, a serious expression on his face "I'm thinking about kissing you" I whispered looking him in the eye "and why don't you just do that?" He put his hands on my waist "because it's not right" I said looking down

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