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"Then what's wrong?" He asked softly, moving closer to me again and I let him this time. Pulling the strand of my hair behind my ear, he wiped away my tears. "It's a long story," I said looking down "we have as much time as you want" he whispered and smiled softly

I hesitated and clenched my teeth "Ummm" looking into his soft eyes I nodded. I haven't told anyone yet "right, umm...one year ago I and Ange went to that party. We just wanted to celebrate Angel's birthday so we got drunk and had fun... When Ange found herself some guy, I went to the kitchen and have some water that was in the fridge. It tasted a bit different than usual but I didn't mind at all and just drank it. Then I started to feel a little dizzy" I swallowed nervously, feeling tears forming in my eyes. Tom was looking at me, his face was full of curiosity.

"The next I remember was when someone dragged me upstairs into some room" I was now sobbing again. Tom's jaw clenched. "It was one guy my age. I was too weak to do anything so I screamed but no one heard me" I wiped the tears in my eyes " I couldn't defend myself. So I just waited for it to be done. I lost my virginity because of him. Once he was done, he just left so I managed to put myself together and act as nothing happened. Even Ange doesn't know that something like that happened to me." I shook my head and laughed at how miserable I am feeling right now. I looked like a freak.

Tom had a pity look on his face. I beg I have a red face right now. Suddenly Tom moved closer to me and hugged me. I was surprised but hugged him back, sobbing on his shoulder "I'm so sorry something like that happened to you" he shook his head hugging me tightly "it's not your fault" I whispered "it feels like it is" he kissed my shoulder gently "but it isn't" I said, pulling away "can we please enjoy this night? I don't want my 18th birthday to end up like this. Let's go and do something" I smiled and he chuckled and nodded

"Yeah, let's do something crazy and totally out of rules" he stood up and helped me out of the tub "let's go get drunk and then swim in the pool naked," he said excitedly and I laughed and shook my head "definitely not," I said and he frowned "it was a good idea tho" he rolled his eyes "what if we just go to the party? I'm too lazy to do something out of rules" I asked and he nodded

"You sure tho? About the party?" He asked gently, I rolled my eyes "yes I am. Now come before I change my mind" I called from behind me and heard him chuckle "comin, cupcake" he said and I smiled at the nickname

"Katiiiiiie!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Angel with spread hands waiting to hug me. I laughed and hugged her, she smells like alcohol but who can blame her "I'm glad you made it!" She shouts in my ear. Again. I chuckled and pats her back "yeah me too"

I heard someone clearing his throat, I turned around and looked at Tom, smiling. Ange smirked at us "have fun you two" she winked at me and left. I rolled my eyes. "You want a drink?" Tom asked and I nodded "come" he held my hand and led me to the kitchen and poured me coke with vodka "you'll love it," he said and I rolled my eyes drinking all liquid from the cup

"It's not my first time drinking, darling" I teased him and he smirks "kay then," he said pouring me something stronger but I'm not sure what it is. "Try it" he hands me the cup. I took a sip and widened my eyes. I saw his smirk "it's strong..." I said and he nodded and laughed "don't drink it all at once, you'll be drunk after that in no time" he poured himself the same liquid and then led me into the living room

"Hey there," I heard Harrison say. I smiled and waved at all of our friends. I saw Angel sitting on Seth's lap and smirked at her. She saw me and rolled her eyes. I and Tom sat on the couch, I sat next to James and Tom sat next to this guy named AJ. He has dirty blond hair and green eyes.

"What changed your mind?" James asked and I shrugged "it's my birthday why can't I lose up a little" James smirked and licked his lip. I swallowed and looked away. "You guys up for truth or dare?" Harrison asked and everyone except me nodded "Kate?" Haz asked and I shrugged "okay..." I sighed and Haz grinned childishly

We didn't use any bottle we just randomly asked people around us "truth or dare, Kate?" Aj asked and I swallowed nervously "umm, truth?" He chuckled "who you lost virginity to?" He smirked and I bit my lip. Stay strong. He doesn't know anything, he's just curious. I felt Tom tense up "some guy, I don't know" I shrugged and act like I don't care but inside I want to cry so fucking much at the memory again

"You don't know who you lost your virginity to?" He teased "you have just one question," I said rudely and drink from my cup. I already felt a little tipsy "um, Ange truth or dare?" I asked and she smiled "truth" I bit my lip "do you like someone in this room?" I tease and she blushed and nodded

After a few rounds, we got tired and just sat on the couch, chatting and laughing. I felt my eyes go heavy, I leaned my head on Tom's shoulder and fell asleep. The time I woke up I felt someone carrying me bridal style through the hallway. I looked up and saw Tom looking forward. I rest my head on his shoulder and stroked his chest, I felt him flex his muscles

"What time is it?" I asked when Tom laid me on the bed "it's almost 4 am. Go to sleep, cupcake" he said and covered me with blanked "where are you going?" I asked tiredly "I'm going to take a quick shower. Be back in a minute" he kissed my forehead, I nodded and fell asleep again.


When I woke up it was already 11 am Tom wasn't by my side anymore but I know that I felt his hand around my waist at night. I stand up and went straight to the shower. My head hurts really bad but a hot relaxing shower will always help me.

When I left the bathroom, the towel around my body, Tom was sitting on the bed, probably waiting for me. He looked me up and down and smirked, I blushed like crazy. "I brought you some painkillers," he said handing me an aspirin and a glass of water "thank you," I said and threw them into my mouth and sipped the water before smiling at him

"What do you want to do today?" I asked and looked at him. He stand up l smiled at me "I'm tired. I'd love to just stay in bed all day long" he said dreamily and I laughed "okay" I nodded and look up at his lips. He smirked and lean to kiss me. I didn't hesitate and kissed him back.

He stroked my hips with his thumbs "you look so fucking sexy in that towel" he whispered and I blushed. When he moved his kisses down my neck. I moaned quietly and grip his shoulders. I felt his smirk against my neck.

He catch me by my thighs and picked me up. I feel really exposed right now, with me just in a towel. He put me down on the bed, but I still had my legs around him. His elbows above my head and body between my legs, it feels really good.

I slide my hands down his torso and unlocked my legs from his waist before touching his v-line. I felt him moan into my neck, still kissing me. My hand touched his zipper and he immediately pulled away from me, looking me in the eyes. His lips parted, breathing heavily. I bit my lip and looked at his lips "I don't want to force you into anything, cupcake" he whispered and I nodded. I thought he wants that

"I do want that, I just don't want to hurt you. Let's just wait till you will be completely ready" he kissed my lips softly. I guess I said it out loud... Honestly, I feel a little relieved that he's not going to force me into anything. I smiled into the kiss and he smiled too. "Let's go to get late breakfast," he said and I nodded.


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