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"So, that's what happened..." I said and look into my lap. I told Ange everything. About me and Tom kissing. About me and Ace kissing. How Ace almost raped me and how Tom saved me from it. And even what happened in the cafeteria and how Maddox came up to me and apologized for Ace

She looked like a statue. I know she didn't know what to do first. So she hugged me, really tightly may I add. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't with you Kate" she sobbed and I sighed "it's not your fault" I stroked her back "It is. If I was with you, it wouldn't happen" I shook my head "I'm ok, and that is the main thing, isn't it?" I smiled and she nodded

"You want to go snowboarding?" I smirked and she pulled away from me to look me in the eyes. She grinned and nodded. I laughed "okay. See you in 20?" She nodded again and then I left her room and walked to my own.

I found Tom laying on the bed. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I walked over to my dresser and look for the clothes I bring with me just in case I decide to go snowboarding. I did two French braids on my head and clothed in my jacked and nylon trousers.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked from behind me. I turned around and smiled at him "do I look good?" I posed for him and he smiled "you look very sexy" he approached me "now, where are you going?" He asked resting his hands on my waist "where do you think I'm going in these clothes" I laughed and he squeezed my hips, I sighed in surprise "hmmm?" He hummed questioningly.

I bit my lip at how hot he is right now. "I'm going snowboarding," I said looking into his eyes "with who?" I scrunched my eyebrows "why do you care?" I smirked and he squeezed my hips again. I moaned and rested my hands on his shoulders "because you're mine" he leaned his head down and kissed my neck. I bit my lip from moaning again "with who?" He asked again, unzipping my jacked "Angel" I frowned and he looked at me smirking

"See, it wasn't that hard, was it?" He said and zipped up my jacket. "Be careful" he said and kissed my forehead. I was shocked at his sudden behavior change. But I smiled at him and then left. What the fuck was that

It was like he was fighting with his good and bad sides. I like both of them tho, but that sudden change got me a weird feeling. I need to get to know him more.

After I failed in snowboarding after an hour of trying I went back to my room. Tom told me that he have to go somewhere so he gave me the keys when I was out. I unlocked the door and went straight to the shower. I'm sweaty as fuck...

When I washed I jumped on my bed and sighed. Where did Tom go? He was all weird today. I hope he's okay tho. I haven't seen Bryan for so long. I hope Ange isn't angry at me because I left. What is for dinner today?

My thoughts flew by one by another. And I remembered my family. Mom, dad. What day is today? I looked at my phone and it slapped me. I promised I call them on the weekend

I unlocked my phone and called my mom through facetime immediately. She picked up after a few rings. "Hey, mom!" I smiled and she smiled back "hey honey. How are you? How is skiing going? Is there good food?" She asked and I laughed

"I'm fine, skiing is fine too, but I'm not good at it and food is just like in school" I shrugged "and what about your roommate? Is she kind?" Mom asked and I laughed nervously. "Ummm, yeah, he's kind...." I said hesitatingly and bit my lip.

Mom isn't the kind of mom who wants her daughter to get pregnant at a young age. She doesn't even know that I'm not a virgin anymore and I'm not planning on telling her anytime soon. She would freak out.

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now