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I pulled away from his chest to look into his eyes, he smiled at me, I smiled back and the next thing I know is his lips crushing on mine. I widened my eyes and before I could pull away from him, I saw someone tear him away from me and hit him in the jaw

I looked at Tom on top of Bryan, my eyes still widen. I somehow woke up from my trance and pulled Tom away from Bry. I'm not as strong as Tom it was just my adrenaline.

His jaw was clenched, he almost spits at Bryan but I pulled him backward. When I looked at Bryan's face he had regret in his eyes, his jaw was slowly showing a purple bruise and he had torn lip. Tom really can fight

I wanted to help him up but Tom held my hand and brought me out from the parket to the bar "Tom, there's security looking for you, you have to now or you'll end up in jail again" Seth said and Tom nodded and looked around for some other exit

What did Seth mean by 'again'?

I looked at Angel's pity but surprised face when Tom's eyes landed on the door at the end of the club. He catches my hand tighter and runs with me to the door. I gave a last glance to Bryan who was now standing up, looking at me, before Tom opened the door and we both run to his car

Tom turned on the engine before driving from the club as fast as possible. After a few minutes of him gripping the steering wheel that his knuckles were white and me being as silent as possible, looking out the window at the passing light, he stopped at an empty street and hit the steering wheel with all his force.

I jumped in fright and felt my eyes tear up and widen when I saw how desperate he looks right now. His jaw was clenched and it felt like he want to rip the steering wheel out of its place. His whole face was scrunched, his lips in a thin line, and his Adam's apple was moving up and down

"Tom," I said and swallowed nervously. But he didn't look like he heard me and hit the wheel again and again. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks

"Tom!" I shouted and sat on his lap to finally stop him. He had bloody knuckles and I'm not sure if it is from the wheel or Bryan. When he saw the tears on my cheeks his face softened

He kissed me with force and catch me by my neck. I felt the anger escaping from his lips right into mine. The kiss was hard and needy, he really is pissed right now and I'm going to help him as much as I can. Through it all, I still can feel the gentleness from his soft lips

He pulled away and rested his head on my chest. We sat quietly in silence when I heard him sob. I scrunched my eyebrows and raise his head slowly to look into his face. My eyes saddened when I saw his eyes red and puffy from the tears

Bitting, my lip to stop my own tears which were rolling down my cheeks more than before

I hugged him and rest his head on my chest again "I don't want to lose you, Katie. I fucking don't" he sobbed louder. I started stroking his head, trying to comfort him. I know Tom don't worry...

Does he think that he's going to lose me because of that stupid kiss? I didn't even kiss him back. I don't feel the same for Bryan. All I feel for him is sibling love, nothing more

"You're not gonna lose me, Tom. I don't even like Bryan that way, I promise" I said and sobbed a little and rested my chin on top of his head. My tears were rolling down on his t-shirt and the back of his neck. His grip around me tightened as he said those lovely words I haven't expected at all

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now