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I woke up at 3 am to feel someone breathe behind me. Oh, you have to be kidding me "Tom get out" I said gently but angrily poking his stomach with my elbow. He didn't move "Tom I said get out" I said more loudly. I heard Tom's breath hinch but he still didn't move

"I know you're up. Get out now or I'll make you" I said angrily. Tom's grip around me tightened "as you wish" I said and sat on his lap. He finally opened his eyes, looking at me. I looked at his muscular stomach. No Kate don't.

I looked into his eyes and leaned closer to him "get out before I cut that little balls of yours and stuck them into your mouth" I saw his eyes widen, just for a second before they were calm again

He turned me around so now I was laying on my stomach and he was sitting on my butt. He put his hand on my neck and leaned closer so I felt his breath on my ear "take a look, I assure you that they're not small" he said before bitting my earlobe. I clenched my teeth, closing my eyes

I tried to shake him off of me but he was too strong "I am competitive too, cupcake" he whispered before getting off me, laying on the ground "goodnight" he said sweetly. After I finally managed to breathe I moved on to the position I was sleeping in and covered myself with the blanket. Such a bastard...

When I woke up for the second time it was already day. I stand up and saw Tom laying on the floor still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and locked the door before turning it into the shower.

I'm excited for the day with Ace. Angel and Maddox are probably going snowboarding or fucking, but Angel told me that she likes him. Ace told me yesterday that he will take me to another gaming room they have here

When I get out of the shower I saw Tom still asleep. I smirked and went over to my closet. I changed into some black skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt with my converse. Then I took an empty cup I brought with me from home. Mom said, just in case, yeah well...

I went to the bathroom and pour cold water into it before going back to sleeping, Tom. I smirked before throwing the water at him. He was wide awake immediately. He shoots up into the sitting position. Coughing the water out of his lungs, I smirked at him the whole time.

He finally turned around and looked at me with a murderous look. My eyes widened. He jumped up and started running after me. Our room wasn't that big so I quickly unlocked the door and ran out of them. Tom ran after me even tho he had just sweatpants on.

I passed a few people before bumping into someone. I apologized before looking into his eyes. I smiled immediately "hey Maddox, can I use you as a shield? Thank you" I smiled innocently before moving behind him

I saw Tom running through the hallway before standing in front of Maddox "hey bro, move, I have some pending business with her" Tom said coming closer to me. I caught Maddox by his waist and started walking back with him. I saw Tom looking where my hands were, his fists were clenched.

"Thank you for your help" I whispered before running away again. I was still running. Opening the door after door. Game room, dining room, some chilling room, man cave. And Tom was still behind me.

I ran into our room section hallway and I saw Angel's door. I burst into them without knocking and saw Angel and Aaron making out. "I'm so sorry guys," I said and went in, closing the door behind me "Katieeee, hi, what are you doing here" Ange asked in a welcoming tone. Looks like she isn't bothered by my presence at all.

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now