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As I unpacked my stuff it was already 6:45. I looked over at Tom, he was at our luxury bathroom, still unpacking some stuff of his. Our room was as simple as it could be. One bed, two closets, a shower with a toilet at once, and one big window with a pretty big balcony. I'm not sure but I think I saw a hot tub on it. Let's hope Tom won't bring some girls over.

I sat at my bed, just scrolling through my phone when I received a message from Angel

Angel: girl Aaron is so fucking hot. I have a really good feeling about this trip.

Kate: isn't that because you already made out with two boys and were here just one day?

Angel: what? Nooo. It isn't because of that! But anyway, what about you and Tom huh?

Kate: don't you want to go to dinner already? I'll tell you there.

Angel: on my way

I slipped my phone in my pocket and stand up "Tom I'm going to dinner, lock the door when you'll leave" I said to Tom, who was still in the bathroom "yeah ok" he answered simply

I almost got lost when I was looking for that damn dining room. But when I finally get there, most people from our school was already sitting on their chairs

When I couldn't find Angel I just sat on an empty table, scrolling through my phone again "hey, are this seats taken?" Asked a voice, I looked up and saw two tall hot boys, looking down at me "um no you can sit here" I did my best smile and they smiled back and sat next to me

The one who asked me has dirty blond hair and blue eyes, and a perfect smile I almost melted. His jaw is just perfect and his body? Oh my fucking god, he's like a Greeks god... He has a white shirt which is showing his big biceps and I can see the veins on his hands. Fucking hell

The other guy was smaller than his friend and have complete brown hair with green eyes I saw a dimple on his right cheek. He was built as well, his muscles were almost tearing his black t-shirt apart. Don't judge me but his knuckles were so hot

I tear my eyes off of them when I heard their voice "so what's your name, cutie?" Asked the boy with dirty blond hair and sat next to me, his buddy sat on the other side of me "I'm Kate and you guys?" I smiled looking at them "I'm Ace, and this guy over there is Maddox" said a dirty blond-haired and I nodded

"You guys aren't from my school are you?" I asked and they chuckled "no, I would remember your cute face" Maddox said and I almost melted at his husky voice. I blushed and looked at my lap

"Hey, Kate" said a voice and I raised my head to see Angel. I smiled and she went over to our table. She came to Maddox pushed him away from me so she could sit next to me. I saw Maddox's confused face and I laughed at that

"Sorry, guys that's my best friend Angel, Angel this is Ace and that's Maddox" I pointed at the guys and Angel smiled "hi, you guys aren't from our school" Angel said with a flirty voice. Here we go again "yeah we're from Nevada" Maddox said and we nodded

"We're from California" Angel said "Los Angeles?" Ace asked, Angel, nodded. Ok, Ange, no more details, you barely know them "and how old are you girls?" Ace asked, moving a little closer to me "um, we're 17" I said. Age doesn't matter that much right? "Good," Ace said looking at me "and how old are you?" Angel asked curiously "we're 18" Maddox winked and I saw Angel blushed

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