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When Kate went to the toilet we all just talked about the basketball game that is coming. I didn't even realize that AJ disappeared when he came to our table, a worried expression on his face. I scrunched my eyebrows "Kate" he started, out of breath. "She blacked out" he didn't even finish his sentence and I was already running to the restroom, Bryan, and Ange behind me.

I kneeled next to her and checked her pulse. She's alive. "Call the fucking ambulance!" I shouted on Bryan and he nodded and picked up his phone "cupcake, wake up" I said slapping her cheek lightly but she didn't even move

Now I am sitting in the hallway in the nearest hospital. The doctor said that she'll be okay but needed some rest. I nodded and walked up into her room. She had those beeping things around her, sleeping peacefully. I sat on the chair next to her bed and hold her hand, stroking her lightly with my thumb.

I'm worried about what happened. Someone had to do something to her for her to just blackout. I hope she'll wake up soon and will be okay. I don't care about the trip, I want to be with her. Later that day Mr. Darnell called me so I walked out of Kate's room to not wake her up.

Mr. Darnell asked where the hell are we. I told him that we were in the hospital that Kate blacked out and he said that he'll call her parents. I agreed and hung up on him.

When I walked back into Kate's room. She was already awake. I smiled and hurry to her and hugged her tightly


I woke up to some beeping noise that annoyed me. I looked around and my eyes widened when I realized that I'm in the hospital. Tom just walked into my room and when he saw that I am awake, he smiled and hugged me tightly

"W-what happened?" I asked when he pulled away "you blacked out and hit your head on the sink. AJ told me you were acting weird and then you just blacked out, but doctors are saying that you'll be okay," he said and moved the piece of my hair behind my ear " god I'm glad you're okay" he whispered and kissed me softly.

The kiss brings some memory into my head. I pulled away and widened my eyes. Tom looked at me worried "what? Did I do something?" He asked and I shook my head "you didn't do anything" I said and I felt the tear in my eye.

That kiss AJ and I shared crept out in my head. Should I tell him? After all, that happened. "Tom I have to tell you something" I swallowed nervously and looked at him. He looked really confused "um when we were playing that laser game, I thought I saw you. The light that was out there wasn't helping so I just thought it was you. I went over and kissed you but found out it wasn't you" I looked him in the eyes and saw him bit his cheek from the inside "I'm so sorry I did that, I just thought it was you and that person didn't say anything and kissed me back. I really thought it was you" I said and another tear rolled down my cheek

Tom looked at me before standing up and leaving my room. Closing the door shut. I sobbed and wiped my tears when Ange and Bry walked into the room. Bryan run up to me and hugged me, Ange did the same. "Gosh you scared the shit out of me," Bryan said and kissed my forehead. "I'm okay now" I smiled at them but everything I could think of was Tom


I stormed out of her room and run over to my friends and looked into everyone's faces. Who the fuck was it. Seth looked at me confused. I nodded to him to come with me to talk. He nodded and stand up, I saw AJ's 'i don't care' face

When we walked up out of the hallway I run my hand through my hair before speaking up "she kissed someone else in the laser game because she thought it was me. I don't know who did it but I swear to God I'll kill that person" I said clenching my fists "bro, calm down. We'll find that dude, don't worry" he said and put his hands on my shoulders. I nodded "okay," I said as we walked to the others

"Guys, everyone that was in Tom's team in the laser game, stand up," Seth said and I looked around seeing Angel and Bryan in Kate's room through the window. AJ and Harrison stand up "Bryan was in our team too," Seth said and I nodded and walked into Kate's room seeing Kate hugging Bryan "Bryan come with me for a minute," I said and avoided eye contact with her

Bryan walks up to me confused and I stand him beside AJ. "Fine guys. One of you kissed my girl when she thought it was me. When you confess yourself right now, it'll be better than if I'll find on my own" I said and walked from left to right, looking at them

Harrison chuckled "bro it wasn't me," he said and I looked into his eyes. I know when he's lying "alright, sit down," I said and he did. Now I was in front of Bryan and AJ. Looking at each of them "who" I clenched my jaw. Bryan looks confused and scared and AJ looks just like AJ. Poker face, looking at me. I looked into his eyes

When I was about to speak up I saw doctors and nurses running into Katie's room. I widened my eyes and run behind them into her room "what happened?!" I asked Angel that had fear in her eyes "S-she remembered something and then she blacked out again. I don't know why but she looked really scared" she almost cried

I looked at Katie. Nurses and doctors were looking if she is okay and I hold back my tears. There must be more than that, something worse than the kiss.


I and Angel were talking about what happened and that I kissed AJ when I thought it was Tom. She asked me what happened in the restaurant, why I just blacked out of nowhere. And that was the moment I remembered everything.

AJ kissing me again and the things he said after that. I started to panic again. The person I was the most scared of was a few meters away from me talking to Tom. I felt the tears in my eyes. Ange widened her eyes and clicked some button to call the doctor but it was too late. I already blacked out again

The time I woke up the second time I felt someone holding both of my hands. I looked to my right and saw Bryan squeezing my hand and smiling at him. Then I looked to my left and saw Tom smiling at me, he had red eyes and messed up hair.

I sat up and kissed him and felt my right hand suddenly cold. I looked at Bryan and saw him standing up and leaving. "Bry?" I said softly. He turned around and smiled "take a rest, sis. I'll see you later," he said softly and I smiled at him and nodded

When I looked at Tom, he had a serious expression on his face "Ange said that you remembered something. Do you remember what it was?" He asked and I suddenly remembered again. I felt a tear forming in my eye. I nodded and looked at his curious and soft face

"What was it, cupcake" he whispered, stroking my cheek. "You promise that you'll stay here with me after I tell you and you won't be angry at me?" I asked and he hesitated but nodded "AJ was the one I kissed and then before I blacked out I begged him to not tell you that I want to tell you myself and he asked what will he get if he won't tell you. He wanted to kiss me again I said no but then he want to leave so I just did it. When I tear him away from me he was talking about some things I didn't get at first" I sobbed but Tom's face was still

"he said something like that I'm acting like in that party a few months ago. I was confused. Then he said 'don't tell me that you didn't like when I fucked you' and at that moment everything made sense and I blacked out after that" I said and saw his fists clenched, bitting inside of his cheek

"Please tell me you're not angry at me," I said touching his hand. He shook his head "I'm not. Give me a few minutes I'll kill AJ and then cuddle you okay?" He said and I widened my eyes "you promised you to stay with me" I said and his jaw clenched. "Fine," he said and lay on the bed next to me

I kissed him and lay my head on his chest


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Hi, hunnybunnies hope you like it ❤️❤️

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