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The next day we overslept and when I finally looked at my phone, I had lots of missed calls from my mom and dad, even Ange and Bry called

I have to solve things with him. I love him too much to let him go because of some bullshit he did probably just because he was drunk and wasted

I quickly called my mom when I and Tom speed up to his car, she picked up after one ring "mom I'm so so so sorry I totally forgot to tell you that I slept at Tom's. I'm sorry" I said in a panicked voice

"Honey, listen, it's okay. I called Tom later yesterday and he said that you're sleeping at his place. Just please tell me the next time" she said and it was as if a stone had fallen from my heart.

"Yes, mom I promise it won't happen again," I said and we told quick love you's before I hung up.

When Tom pulled at my driveway, I quickly run upstairs and dressed into some jeans and top before taking my backpack and taking some snacks for me and Tom

We hadn't had time for breakfast when we woke up almost half an hour late. What can I say, cuddling into his chest is too much comfort to wake up on time

I sprinted into his car and gave him a croissant before eating my cookie. He kissed me thank you and drove to our school

To tell that I was nervous to see Bryan was an understatement. The worry about Tom beating him up hunts me this whole car ride. When we pulled into the parking lot, Tom cut off the engine and we walked to the school hand in hand

Almost every person turned around and looked at us. School's bad boy and this shy nerd together. Yeah I would be breathless too

Tom escorted me to my locked and then to my class before kissing me goodbye "see you at lunch" he said and kissed my forehead before walking to his class

His kisses bring me so much serotonin every time. With a smile on my face, I made my way to the English lit, and just when I saw Bryan's face I remembered that I have this class with him

We made eye contact but I looked away a moment later

He was sitting on his usual seat beside mine and I was arguing with myself if I should sit next to him or not

I was interrupted from my thoughts by our teacher coming to the class. I bit my lip and sat at my usual spot but didn't even glance at Bryan

I saw him the whole period stoling short looks at me but I just didn't look back, not right now

At lunch I sat as usual with Angel, most often Bryan sat with us but Angel told me he have to do something before coming

I heard the cafeteria door open and looked at the group of boys walking through the door. I made eye contact with Tom. He winked at me and I blushed. They all went to the queue before coming to sit with us

Seth sneak his hand around Ange and Tom did the same to me. All of the boys just sat around us and we started talking and eating

The time when cafeteria door opened again, I saw Bryan walking through them. I swallowed nervously and bit the inside of my cheeks

"You ok, cupcake?" Tom leaned and asked, I smiled and nodded "why don't we just go and eat our lunch on the benches? Alone..." I asked and Tom looked at me suspiciously but covered it quickly with a smile and nod "okay, let's go" he took his and my plate and made his way towards the football field

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now