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Geeeez thank you so much for 2k reads!! Oh my god, you're so freaking amazing...😍😍❤️

You want some speech okay, okay. I'd love to thank my mom, dad, and my brother, they did nothing but I had to say it yk... Okay but honestly I want to thank all of you, the ones who vote for my stories so it can get to more people, but I give credits for the silent readers too❤️❤️ you all did a lot and especially my lovely Rosie. She really did a lot for me to continue writing and she doesn't even know that. How many times have I wanted to stop writing... She helped me with parts of my stories, it wouldn't be this good without her❤️ have I ever mentioned how much I love you? Well, I'm telling it now... I freaking love you!! Enjoy this chapter ❤️❤️

That was longer than I meant it to be...




I ended up in a car with me and Tom in the front and Bryan, James, and Haz in the back. In Seth's car were himself, Ange, and two of Tom's friends I still don't know the name of.

When we parked in the parking lot, we made our way inside the dinner and sat on the biggest booth they had.

After we ordered our food, we talked about how things were going on the trip when we were gone. James told us that AJ disappeared from the trip as well. His dad picked him up and they fought at how pussy AJ is to get to beat up so bad

The whole cafeteria laughed when he left

I felt bad for him for a while before realizing all that he did to me. I lost my appetite and we're not even eating yet... Tom saw my sudden behavior change and squeezed my hand

I looked up and smiled at him and felt someone squeezing my other hand. I turned to my right side confused and find Bryan smiling at me, trying to comfort me. I smiled at him and squeezed his hand

I'm so glad I have these people around me. People who care about me. And people who love me despite what I've been through

As soon as a waitress served our food. We started eating and talking again.

Two hours later we all decided to call it a night and went to our cars. After Tom drove everyone to their houses, he drove me to my own house. And stopped at the driveway

"I really enjoyed it today," I said and kissed him lightly "oh yeah, you liked my fingers inside you, and my tongue on you" he teased in a whisper and I blushed and looked away ", especially that" I smirked and he laughed and kissed me again

"I'll pick you up at 11. And dress into something hot, we're going to the club later that day" he said and I widened my eyes "on Sunday, are you crazy?!" I asked and he chuckled "it'll be fun, and I'll be with you the whole time. And Ange is coming too" he added and I nodded, still a little frightened

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. 11 am it is" he said and kissed me the last time "goodnight, cupcake" he whispered and I smiled and got out of his car "goodnight, Tom," I said before slamming his car's door shut

I have a really bad feeling about that party. Like something will get really wrong and I'll end up somewhere I don't want to be

I shook my head from that horrible thoughts and entered my house. Tom was still standing there with his car. I smiled and waved before closing the door. After that, I heard the engine runs as Tom's car drove away

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