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I woke up another day and felt like a corpse. I didn't want to do anything at all. I just changed and went to the breakfast with Tom.

When we entered the dining room I saw Maddox, Ange, and Ace at their usual table. I see that they didn't tell Angel yet. Ace and I made eye contact before Tom hold my hand, intertwine our fingers. I saw some bruises on Ace's face and his bloodshot eyes. I clenched my teeth and looked away

Tom led me to his table, his friends were already there. "Hey, man. How was your night." James asked looking from Tom to me. I don't want them to know and I think Tom saw that because he just shrugged "as usual" he said and James nodded

"And what about you, cutie?" James asked and I felt Tom's hand tighten around mine. "Um, it was fun" I nodded my head smiling at him. Yeah...fun as hell. "We saw you guys leaving together. Something happened?" Seth smirked at us

"I thought you were too busy to suck on my friend's face to realize," I said and Seth smirked drinking from his drink "I did" he nodded "gross" I muttered under my breath. In the corner of my eye, I saw Tom smiling. He hadn't let go of my hand yet, I kinda like it though.

"And what about you, guys? Have you scored with someone?" I teased and Seth's eyes flew over the dining room on Angel "yeah" he muttered and I chuckled "be careful, she doesn't do relationships that much" I said and he nodded sadly "I still have a chance" he said and I nodded

After breakfast, I went over to the toilet. That breakfast wasn't delicious at all. When I came out I saw Ace leaning against the wall beside the door. I was scared and made my way quickly to Tom's table "Katie, wait" I heard his voice but I ignored him. "Kate!" He shouted and catch my wrist. I turned around, tears in my eyes

"What do you want?! Do you want to rape me this time?! Let me go, Ace!" I said angrily but scared at the same time "Kate, I'm sorry. I was drunk, I wasn't thinking straight. Please forgive me" he said, I saw regret in his eyes. I shook my head, the tear already rolling down on my cheek. "Let me go before I call for Tom" I clenched my teeth and Ace hesitated before letting me go "don't ever talk to me again" I warned him and saw a tear in his eye.

I walked over to Tom's table and catch the hem of his shirt before kissing him roughly. I knew Ace was looking at us. Tom was shocked but responded and catch me by my neck. I pulled away and looked at Tom, his eyes widened when he saw tears in them. Our whole table had shocked expressions on their faces.

Tom looked behind me to see Ace standing there. "He made you cry?" Tom said through clenched teeth. I swallowed. "Umm... Let's go to our room okay?" I fake smiled but he stand up and walked to Ace angrily. I tried to stop him but nothing helped. I saw the whole cafeteria looking at us. "Tom please, don't. He tried to apologize" I tried to change his mind but he didn't listen to me

"You want me to beat you up again? I don't have a problem with it!" Tom shouted, his fists were clenched into balls. Ahhhh, Kate, think of something!! the light bulb came on in my head. I stand in front of Tom and reached for his head before kissing him passionately. I heard Angel gasp for air. Tom kissed me back but his jaw was still clenched

I pulled away looking him in the eyes "please let's go" I whispered caring his cheeks in my hands. He looked at Ace angrily before catching my hand, intertwining our fingers, and storming from the cafeteria.

When we reached our room, I closed the door behind us and saw Tom sitting on our bed. I sat on his lap catching him by surprise. He looked into my eyes, but he still had an angry expression.

I kissed him lightly. It was supposed to be just a little peck but he held me by my neck pulling me closer. He was kissing me roughly. I felt his anger through that kiss. I pulled away to get air into my lungs. I looked at Tom, he had dark eyes. When he tried to lean in, I lean backwards, still looking into his eyes. I shook my head and his face softened. He leaned his forehead on my shoulder "I'm sorry" he whispered "you didn't do anything" I said stroking his hair, I heard him sob a little

I moved his head for him to look me in the eyes. I scrunched my eyebrows. "Why are you crying, you didn't do anything wrong" I whispered confusedly, resting my forehead on his. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you at that party, I'm sorry for letting you go to the bathroom on your own I'm sor-" I didn't let him finish and kissed him to shut him up

It was just a sweet little peck. "Do not apologize. You did nothing wrong, you understand?" I asked and he nodded "can we cuddle, please?" I asked and he smiled softly and nodded "everything for you" he whispered and pecked my lips once more.

A few hours later knocking on the door woke me up. Tom was cuddled into my chest so I pulled away slowly and went to open the door. Pure shock and anger run through my body. I tried to close the door but he blocked it with his foot. I sighed and look at Tom who was still asleep and before turning around and walked out, closing the door behind me slowly

"What do you want?" I asked crossing my hands over my chest "you told him that he can't talk to you ever again so he send me to tell you goodbye" Maddox said and I nodded "Okey then, bye" I said and turned to leave but Maddox caught my shoulder. I stopped and looked at him

"He's really sorry. He told me that someone spilled his drink with something and he was drunk too. He just wanted me to say bye" he said and turned to the left. I closed my eyes shut before going to him and hugging him. He was kind of shocked. Not gonna lie, I was too. "Tell him that I forgave him. But I still don't want to talk to him okay?" I said and Maddox nodded stroking my head "I will" I pulled away and looked at him in the eyes

"I'll miss you, tho" I smirked and he chuckled "I'll miss you too, cutie" he winked and I slapped his chest "I have to go. Can you give me your number so maybe we can hang out sometime" Maddox said and I nodded and put my number into his phone "bye, cutie" "bye" I smiled and watched him leaving in the hallway

When I came back to my room, Tom was already awake scrolling through his phone. I smiled at him and jumped on the bed next to him. He chuckled and hugged me. I hugged him back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I heard knocking again "hhhh, who else will be knocking" I said angrily and opened the door to see Angel, confused and sad expression on her face

I forgot to tell her about everything. She hugged me and I hugged back slightly confused. "You ok?" I asked with my scrunched eyebrows. She just nodded "my fuckbuddy is gone" she sobbed and I laughed, looking at Tom, he chuckled too. "I heard about you and Seth? Is that nothing between you?" I tried to calm her down. She pulled away from me. "You're right, I have Seth and Aaron too" she smiled at me, but then her gaze fell on Tom, then at me, Tom, me, Tom, me. Her eyes widened

"What the fuck was that in the cafeteria this morning?!" She shouted with excitement and I rolled my eyes "it was nothing" I sighed. Ange shooked her head "that wasn't 'nothing' god damnit. And what did you mean by 'you want me to beat you up again? You guys fought before?" Ange asked confused.

Tom's jaw clenched but he nodded. Her eyes widened "what, when, why?!" "Ange, can I tell you later? I'm really tired" I said and she nodded sadly "I love you ok?" I hugged her "love you too" she murmured into my shirt "bye" I smiled and she smiled back and left

I jumped on the bed, closing my eyes. "You want to tell her?" Tom asked too much close to me, I jumped in fright. I heard his chuckle "yea, just not right now. I want to sleep" I said and Tom chuckled again, hugging me and moving me on top of him. I hugged his chest before laying my head in the crook of his neck.


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