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Enjoy 😌❤️




"Why did you kiss her?" I asked curiously and crossed my arms around my chest. It looked like this question took him off guard because he flinched when I said it

"What?" He asked confused and I clenched my teeth. He isn't worth it. He isn't worth it. I kept reminding myself. He isn't worth it your punches "you heard me" I said and looked around to see the whole cafeteria looking at us

Don't cause a scene, Tom. It's just an innocent conversation about this bastard kissing your girl. Don't cause a scene

"I-I don't know, I was wasted and drunk. I don't remember much" he scratched the back of his neck nervously. I breathed out and looked at him

He didn't know what he was doing but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings for her.

Not wanting to lose my shit, I stormed out of the cafeteria and look for Kate. I opened all doors I could. Gym, library, locker rooms and found her in the janitors closet, her knees at her chest

When she heard the door opening, she snapped her head in my direction but looked away as soon as she realized it was me

She looked like she had been crying a lot. Her top has a wet spot under the neckline and a few teardrops fell on her jeans as well

"Katie" I started and closed the door. Slowly sitting across from her. I hate seeing her eyes red and puffy. It feels like I can't do anything to cheer her up. She didn't even look at me. Her head rested on the wall behind her and her eyes were closed, her nose and cheeks red as a tomato

"Cupcake, please" I begged her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. I saw tears in her eyes again "please don't cry, I hate when you cry" I said and reached my hand to wipe her tears off her cheek but her head snapped away from my touch

I sighed disappointed and let my hand rest on her foot. Stroking it lightly, an idea occurred to me. I slide my hand on her calf and squeeze it. She winced and I saw corners of her lips raised up

I bit my lip and squeezed it again and I saw how she fights her laugh "it tickles, stop it" she said but I heard happiness in her voice

I squeezed both of her calves and she giggled and tried to push my hands away but I started tickling her waist instead

She was laughing like crazy. Both me and her had smile on our faces. She ends up lying on the floor, me on top of her, tickling the life out of her

"Tom please, stop!" She shouted, laughing. I laughed and lay on top of her, my elbows were above her head

We both stopped smiling. I kissed her forehead and buried my face into the crook of her neck "I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked to you like that" I said, really meaning all the words I said.

She put her hand into my hair and stroked me, her other hand rested on my bicep

"it's okay" she whispered and I kissed her neck softly before kissing her lips. Putting all the force into it

We stayed like this a few more minutes before hearing the bell ring. I help her up and then picked up our things and left the closet


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