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When I woke up the next day Tom wasn't next to me anymore, but I heard the shower on. I came in without knocking, to scare him or tease him but the only thing I saw was Tom doing himself good under the running shower.

I looked at his manhood and almost fell at how my knees are jelly right now. I'm not going to talk about his body again but fuck hell yeah. whoa, it is hot there.

Tom didn't realize that I'm here yet and he is still doing himself a handjob. I leaned against the wall, just to know when will he realize that I am here. He keeps doing it. I'm surprised that he didn't see me

"Ah, Kate. Yeah right there" he moaned quietly and I froze. I have to go out of here before he'll see me, it would be too awkward. I slowly made my way from the door, closing them slowly behind me. At least I'll make him stop. I knocked on the door loudly with my fist, hearing a few things fall on the ground from the bathroom, I chuckled at that

"Yeah?" Tom asked innocently "hurry up!" I shouted and I swear that I saw him rolling his eyes through that wall. After five minutes Tom finally managed to come out. His hair was wet and he had a towel around his torso. I almost melted

"You can go now" he said walking to his closet. I smirked and went behind him. When he was standing right in front of his closet, I put my hands on his torso, then on his stomach.

I leaned over to his ear "ah, Kate. Yeah right there" I moaned imitating his previous words and I felt him tense right after. I smirked and went over to the bathroom.

I spent the whole day with Angel. We talked about Maddox and her. They already slept together but that's not surprising. I also found out that she slept with her roommate Aaron, as well. Again. Not surprising.

When our conversation fell on Ace and me. I blushed and looked down. Even though I know Ace just for three days I feel like I'm starting to like him. Yes, I'm teasing him all the time but I starting to like him. He is so kind and god I love his humor and his body....

"So?" Angel asked snapping her fingers in front of my face "I'm sorry what?" I smiled nervously "what about you and Ace? You seem close to each other" Ange winked and I rolled my eyes "nothing happened" I said and she frowned "girl come on, he is so good looking and he is interested in you. Why can't you hit on him?" She took a fist full of popcorn and threw it in her mouth almost everything fell on her bed behind her

I just shrugged. Ange rolled her eyes "alright, and what about Tom?" She smirked and I almost choked at my own saliva "something happened?!? Oh my god did you two fucked?" She asked throwing another fist of popcorn in her mouth "we didn't, oh my god" I said eating a spoon of ice cream "then what happened" she asked me sit-jumping on the bed excitedly

"We didn't even kiss, gosh. But he can be adorable sometimes" I shrugged and Ange squeaked excitedly "you two cuddled, right? I know that" she asked finishing the popcorn "well, yeah we have just one big bed and one blanked" I rolled my eyes "oh yeah, do you have a spare blanked? I doubt that Tom will ask someone for it" I asked and Angel nodded and went over to her closed "I brought it with me. Just promise me you won't fuck on it, it was my grandma's gift" Angel said seriously and I nodded laughing "don't worry" I said and we said our goodbyes before I went over to my room

It was already dinner time. So I locked the room before going to the dining room. I didn't saw Tom since morning. While thinking about where he could be, I accidentally bumped into the wall. Well, It wasn't the wall, but you know what I mean

I looked up, seeing Ace smiling at me "hey beautiful" he said, kissing my forehead, hugging me "your head's good?" He teased me and I rolled my eyes "it was just revenge" I shrugged, letting go of him before going to the dining room. Ace was right after me.

We sat at our usual table and waited for the others "so, pick you up tomorrow at 11? I see that you're not a morning person" Ace chuckled and I laughed "I'm really not" I looked him in the eyes "so 11" Ace said and I nodded "alright"

After dinner, Bryan asked me to go for a walk with him. I didn't spend too much time with him these few days co I just couldn't say no. And I didn't want to say no either.

So now, we were just walking around the complex or whatever it is. It was freezing out there so I had my coat on. Bryan had on some jacked. As we were walking we talked about whatever "how is your problem with one bed doing?" Bryan asked and I laughed. He probably heard that from Angel

"Um, I don't know, I told him to sleep on the floor but he always ended up on the bed with me" I shrugged "should I tell him something?" Bryan asked with his brotherly protecting voice. I laughed "no I'm ok, he'll lay on the floor today" I said and he nodded

When we decided to go back to our rooms. On the way back I saw Tom with some girl going to her room "you good?" Bryan asked confusedly and I nodded, tearing my eyes away from her now closed door.

I don't know why I feel like I should care. I don't care, right? When he said that I'm his he was just joking. Right? Yeah he was just messing with me

It was almost midnight. And I really don't care. I changed into my bikini and went to the hot tub I heated up a few minutes ago. I'm not going to take my swimsuit off this time. I just relaxed at the complete silence

I closed my eyes, resting my head on the hot tub "hey" said a voice behind me, I didn't even have to turn around to know who it is so I just ignored him "Kate?" Tom asked his steps coming closer to me.

He gently touched my shoulder to know if I'm awake. His touch sends chills down my spine. "Are you up?" He whispered into my ear, I hummed in response "alright"

He said and suddenly I felt a coldness from behind me. After a few seconds, I heard his steps again. Coming closer before stepping into the hot tub.

I opened my eyes to see him sitting right in front of me. Looking at me. His leg gently touched mine and I moved my legs closer to my body. Not wanting him to touch me after I saw him with that girl.

He has a confused expression but clenched his teeth and looked behind me. No, Kate. Don't be a soft one. You don't want to do that. Don't you dare touch that leg!

I stand up from the hot tub and went to the bathroom. I can't do it right now. I took a shower to wash the chlorine off my body. When I come to the room again I saw Tom already lying on the floor. Without blanket. I walked to my closet to pick some panties and an oversized t-shirt.

I put the t-shirt on, the towel still on my body. I saw Tom looking at me from the floor. I put on my panties without taking the towel off. I took the towel off my body and threw it over the heating to dry it. I didn't bother with any bra and I saw Tom looking at my chest. Maybe it was a mistake...

I threw the blanket that was on my bed over him. He looked at me confused "Kate you'll be c-" I showed him a blanket that Angel borrowed me "oh.." he said almost disappointedly. I laid down on the bed, covering myself with a comfy blanket

"Katie?" I heard Tom's voice. I hummed "I'm still cold" he said and I almost laughed. I hummed again "can I sleep with you?" I sighed "no" I turned to the other side of the bed and went to sleep.

"But I'm really really cold" he said like a little kid "you promised that you'll ask someone for a blanket and you didn't do that. Why should I believe you when you're saying that you're cold?" I asked and he was silent for a while

"I did ask someone, but no one had a spare blanket" he was arguing "I asked just one person and she had it" I said with closed eyes "yeah because you have some magic power" no, you do. I wanted to say but I bit my tongue to not do that "please Katie I am uncomfortable on the floor" Tom begged again "I said no" I snapped and he stayed silent for the rest of the night

Finally some peace


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Hi hunnybunnies, don't be mad at me please, for a chapter about nothing

Love you

1624 words

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