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"Let's see," I said and pushed my mouth against hers. She looked kind of shocked before she kissed me back. I squeezed her hips and pinned her against the wall harder with my body

She slipped her hands behind my neck to deepen the kiss. I licked her lower lip, asking for permission. But she didn't even move. I licked her lip again. Nothing. I started to feel her smirk against my lips. She wants to play, we'll play.

I run my hands over her ass and squeezed it with all my might. She moaned into the kiss and I take advantage of the moment and slipped my tongue into her mouth. She moaned again

I was thinking about kissing her ever since I laid my eyes on her. It was maybe a sophomore year. I remember she was wearing jean shorts and some cute white top with black stripes. I also remember that I promised myself to make her mine someday.

I picked her up and moved her on the bed. I felt her hands trying to pull my t-shirt off. I smirked and catch her wrists, pinned them against the bed. Not yet, baby. I said to myself kissing her neck. I left hickeys there to show that Ace bastard who owns her.

She moaned and I kissed her lips again, resting my elbows above her head. She caught my biceps and squeezed them I smirked into the kiss. Don't fuck her yet Tom. You can wait for her. I tried to say but my buddy down there had his own plans.

I pulled away from her, looking into her eyes I saw sparkles in them. I smiled and kissed her one more time before standing up and helping her up too.

We slept in the same bed that night. Not that she had a choice. She cuddled up into my chest. I had one hand under her head and the other on her thigh. I could stay like that forever.

I woke up early in the morning. Kate lay against my chest peacefully. I smiled and kissed her head before going to the bathroom to do my business and going back to lay down next to her. She sighed a little which catch my attention immediately

Is she? No... "Mmmm" she hummed against my chest. My heart started pounding. "Uhh, yeah" she moaned quietly. I tried my best to not get excited. I closed my eyes shut, smelling her hair. Don't. Fucking hell. "You like it?" She said still asleep

I felt her hand trailing down my chest. My stomach and now my pants. is she sleepwalking while laying or something? I felt her catching my manhood. I moaned quietly opening my mouth. This can't happen.

I caught her wrist and pull it against my chest again "but I want to play, baby" she said quietly, starting bitting my skin. I have to stop right now or I won't resist her. She trailed wet kisses on my collar bones. I have to wake her somehow

I grabbed a charger I had at my nightstand slowly. She was still kissing my collar bones. I threw it on the floor. There's no carpet so it made a loud sound. I then acted like I was sleeping but I felt her wake up a little scared.

"Tom?" She whispered and I made my best not to smirk. I hummed in response "did you hear that?" She asked frightened "hear what?" I asked dumbly "I don't know. Something woke me up," she said looking around "there's no one, go to sleep, cupcake" I tightened my grip around her "why is your chest wet?" She asked confused "maybe you drolled on it" I smirked and she wiped her wet kisses with the back of her hand "sorry"

She sounded really ashamed. "Don't worry, cupcake, nothing happened" I said. "I'll go to the bathroom" she whispered and disappeared behind the bathroom door. I let out a loud breath. And it's only morning.

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now