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As soon as I walked through the doors to my house. My mom threw plenty of questions about who is Kate. What happened that we arrived sooner. How long I am with her and even if I had sex with her. Yes, I have a very curious mom

After I told her everything, she seemed satisfied with my answers and left me for now. Poor Kate, she doesn't know what beast is waiting for her...

When all of us reached Smith's house, I walked up and rang a bell. A few seconds later it was Abby who opened. I smiled at her as she invited us in. Me, my dad, and my brothers had suits on. My mom had a beautiful blue dress. We had to leave Tess at home, hope she's ok...

When my family introduced themselves to Abby and Mr. Smith. I smiled at the confusion in Abby's eyes when she saw all my brothers. I shook my head and look for Kate

I skipped up the stairs and walked into her room to see her in an awfully beautiful white dress. She just put her looking like diamond earrings on. When she looked away from her mirror to me, she smiled at me and walked past me

Kissing me softly. When she pulled away I had a better look at her front. The neckline was just cute and hot at the same time with a heart shape. Her dress was hugging her body perfectly and she had a really good looking necklace with some blue crystal or something on it

"You look gorgeous," I said and kissed her again. We stood there for a while, swallowing each other faces. I pulled away before it went somewhere where I couldn't handle it. "My parents are waiting for you. They can't wait to see you" I grinned and she chuckled. Still little out of breath

She fixed her lipstick and brushed it away from my lips as well before holding my hand, walking downstairs.


When we reached Tom's parents, they looked at me lovingly. I blushed and walked over to them "it's nice to finally meet you Mr. and Mrs. Holland" I said and wanted to shake Mrs. Holland's hand but she took my hand and hugged me tightly "you don't even know how long I waited for this moment. And y'all call me Nikki, please" Nikki said

We chuckled and I hugged her back. I shook my hand with Mr. Holland as well. Then I leaned down and looked at Tom's younger brother and smiled at him "hi, you are Paddy right?" I asked and he nodded, smiled back at me, and hugged me. I laughed hugged him back and then stand up to greet his other two brothers

"Okay guys" I looked at them suspiciously "who will tell me who is Sam and who is Harry" they both grinned "I'm Harry," the brown curly-haired boy said. I smiled at him and shook his hand "I'm Sam" the other boy said, he had a different shade of hair, but they both had the same height as me

I shook his hand as well "I'm Kate" I said to all of them and they smiled at me. "Alright, Nikki can you please help me in the kitchen?" My mom asked and Nikki nodded and followed her to the kitchen

We all sat in the dining room, talking, before Nikki and my mom started serving the food. "It looks really good, Abby," Tom said and my mom smiled at him "thank you, Tom"

Tom rested his hand on my thigh before we started eating. I blushed and covered it up with chicken in my mouth. "So how long do you know each other?" Nikki asked "Ummm" I hummed and look at Tom "ever since she entered our school for the first time," he said and I looked at him surprisingly, smiling

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now