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We snapped a few more pictures that night. Laughing, smiling, cuddling, and even kissing. That last two were his ideas by the way.

At dinner, Tom asked Ange to sit with us and I smiled at how sweet he is. During dinner, we just talked about random stuff. Angel and Seth get to know each other and I can see Angel's true smile. I haven't seen it in a while when she talked with boys.

That night I slept well. Hugging Tom laying on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat before I fell asleep.

Sunday. I hate Sundays. I don't know why, I just do. Sunday it's just a reminder that the next day is a school day. But I'm not at school right now, right? Tomorrow is just another vacation for me and I don't care less.

Tom moved his chest up. Stretching himself. Just now he realized that I'm next to him, acting like sleeping. I saw him smile through my almost closed eyes. He stroked my hair lightly "you will be mine one day" he whispered into my hair. I tried to not smile at how cute he was.  

"Tom," I said and Tom froze for a second but then hummed in response. "Tell me about yourself" I started stroking his chest. He chuckled "what you you want to know?" He asked with a raspy voice. I almost moaned at his voice "I don't know, family, hobbies, and so on" I shrugged

"I have 3 younger brothers, my mom and dad are happy and I don't have hobbies if I can't count parties as a hobby" he chuckled "I didn't know you have brothers. What are their names?" Tom sat up and looked at me, his curls fell to his eyes. "Um, there's Paddy he's 9, and then our twins Harry and Sam, they're 15" he smiled at me and I nodded

"And what about you?" He asked me. I sat up too "I don't have siblings, mom and dad are happy and I don't have any hobbies if I can't count sleep as a hobby" we laughed together "and what about boys?" He asked and I looked at him nervously "um, what about boys?" I asked dumbly "you know, boys home at Cali, any sexual life and that things...." Tom asked little embarrassed but interested.

"I really don't like talking about it, if you don't mind," I said looking away "something happened?" Tom asked and I swallowed nervously. I smiled like I learn in front of the mirror and shook my head "not at all, why?" Tom looked sad and confused "I won't force you into anything if you tell me then you tell me" he assured me and I clenched my teeth looking away again. If he'll continue I'll just pack my things and move to Angel's room.

"You hungry?" He asked and I looked at him and nodded, he smiled. "Okay, then let's go". At dinner, we just talked about another party that is on Tuesday. I refused on going and Angel nor Tom didn't tell anything about it. Tom offered to me that he'll stay with me in our room but I told him no, so he can have some fun.

I would be calmer if he will stay with me but I want him to have some fun. I know Angel won't stay with me. She knows me and I know her and she want to get laid I can see it in her eyes. So it will be just me. Great.

"But come on Kate, it'll be your birthday. You have to celebrate it!" Ange said and I looked at her murderously. "You have a birthday on Tuesday?" Tom asked and I sighed. It doesn't matter anymore "yeah I do" I nodded "then I'm definitely staying with you, I brought some alcohol so we can celebrate together" he winked at me and I tried not to blush. It wouldn't have to be that bad. "Just you, me, hot tub and wine" he whispered and I shivered. That would be awesome

I shook my head "I want you to have fun, not to be with me, drinking wine" I said and he rolled his eyes "it'll be more fun than some party" he said and I shrugged "if it is what you really want" I sighed and he grinned and nodded "deal" he said and I smiled, really happy that he'll stay with me

On Monday Tom convinced me to go snowboarding with him. Huh, I can't snowboard at all and you want me to go with you? I agreed but I warned him about me falling all the time.

"Kate where are you going?" Tom asked me when my snowboard suddenly decided to slide down the hill slowly. "I don't know. Help me" I shouted and heard Tom's laugh before he slide up to me and catch my waist to stop me "how many times did you snowboard, cupcake?" He asked and I laughed nervously "never" Tom laughed

"I'll teach you, but now we have to slide this hill" he pointed at the hill under us. "I-um" "come on" he held my hand and my snowboard started moving. My eyes widened. Ahhh, I'm gonna die. Tell my parents that I loved them.

After half an hour of my sliding down the hill, I finally managed to get down. Tom was with me the whole time. "Alright, now. There's a platform where you can practice. It's moving and there's a railing. Nothing can happen to you" he smiled and started to take off his snowboard, I did the same.

When we get into that platform I was really scared. When Tom told some guy to turn it on, I held the railing in front of me tightly. "Just loose up a little" he winked and he let go of the railing. He was behind me immediately sliding on that weird platform.

I slowly let go of the railing and throw up my hands in the air to catch some balance. Tom held me by my waist tightly. When I managed to catch my balance, Tom let go of my waist. After a few minutes of trying I could slide without falling, so Tom took me to the hill again

we went in a two-seater lift and looked at the view. Park City is a really beautiful town. The champagne powder was everywhere. I think that's how they call snow in here but I'm not sure. It's cute anyway. When we reached the top of the mountain, Tom hold my hand and we jumped off the lift together "you ready?" Tom turned to me and I nodded

He let go of my hand and started sliding down the hill, I was right behind him. I love the air in my face, it gives me so much freedom. When Tom suddenly stop I didn't manage to stop my board and bumped right into him, taking him to the ground with me.

He laughed and I looked at him murderously "you did that on purpose!" I hit his chest but he laughed much more. I rolled my eyes and get off of him, starting sliding down on my own. I was a little upset, but I couldn't help but smile at him.

I heard someone sliding behind me. I turned around and saw Tom. His hands were spread, prepared to hug me but I sped up for him to not catch me. "Come on, cupcake. I'm snowboarding since I was 8" he shouted, chasing after me "you're not better than me" he said and I laughed and looked behind me, he was still after me.

When I looked in front of me again, I didn't see a little bulge in the snow and fall. Tom stopped next to me and looked at me "so... I catch you" he smirked at me I rolled my eyes "come on stand up" he offered me his hand. I took it and made him fall next to me. I smirked at him "I catch you too" he chuckled and rolled his eyes

We were staring at the sky a few minutes before I turned my head to Tom and found that he was already looking at me. I blushed a little and looked at the sky again. I felt his hand catching my chin, turning my head in his direction. My breath quickened as I saw his serious expression. He leaned on his elbow and before I could react, he pushed his lips on mine.

I moaned by surprise but catch him by his neck, moving him closer. He licked my lower lip and I fully opened my mouth to let him in. His hand was on my cheek and the other one leaned above my head. I pulled him away looking him in the eyes. Hi, his lips were puffy and his nose was red, his cheeks as well. I smiled at him. Studying his lower lip with my thumb.

He looked at me concentrating. Then I moved my hand behind his neck before kissing him again. I felt him biting my lip, I moaned and kisses him with my tongue. He smirked so I bit his lip catching him by surprise, he moaned a little. Now I was the one who smirked. I gave him a last little peck before pulling away and standing up. He looked at me confused. I just smiled and started sliding down the hill again


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Hi, hunnybunnies hope you like it ❤️

Love you

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