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I woke up when I felt someone's lips on my bare shoulder. I turned to see Tom smiling at me, I smiled too and closed my eyes again. I'm so tired... Tom moved me closer to him and kissed my nose "happy birthday, cupcake" he whispered and I smiled again "thank you" I said and cuddled up into his chest, I heard his chuckle

"It's your day. What do you want to do?" He asked gently stroking my back "I want to sleep" I groaned and felt his grin against my head "alright" he kissed my head and I fell asleep again

When I woke up there was no one in the room. I picked up my phone and scrolled through it for a few minutes. Mom and dad sent me a happy birthday message. I quickly replied and scroll down again. When I heard the door open I looked at them and saw Tom with a plate in his hand and cutlery in the other.

I smiled and shook my head "They forbade me to bring you more, so at least I have pancakes for you" he smiled and handed me the plate. "Thank you" I blushed and put a plate in my lap

I ate meanwhile Tom was looking at me. I looked into his eyes "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked and looked down on my plate "you're cute when you eat, and you're trying to eat as quietly as you can" he smiled and shook his head. I blushed again

When I finished my food, Tom let me get dressed from my tank top and sweatpants before taking me away. He knocked on Angel's door and I looked at him confused. He just winked.

Angel opened the door and grinned before hugging me. "Happy birthdaaaaay!" She shouted into my ear. I'm sure I won't hear through that ear in a long time. "Thank youuu," I said and pulled away. She run away and looked for something in her bag before handing me some box. I rolled my eyes "Aren't we old enough for this?" I joked and she rolled her eyes too "just open it" she hissed and I tore the paper to see a little box.

I looked at her confused. She nodded so I opened it to see half of the BFF bracelet. I looked at her, trying to not cry. She pouted her lip and I hugged her again. "Thank you" I sobbed, wiping away my tears "I have the other half," she said and showed me the other half on her neck under her sweatshirt. I smiled and saw tears on her cheek. I wiped them away and looked at Tom behind me. He had smiled on his face when he looked at me.

After a few minutes, Tom pulled me away from Angel and took me to the next stop. That was right 3 meters away... He knocked on Bryan's door and Bryan opened it immediately and hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged him back. "Happy birthday!" He shouted into my second ear. Siblings.... "Thank you" I grinned.

He pulled away and run over to his closet to hand me his gift for me. I shook my head and opened it slowly. I saw cinema tickets. I looked at him confused "these are the tickets to the movie you're so looking forward to. I thought maybe we can go together cuz I want to see that film too" he said proudly and I squeaked and jumped on him, hugging him around his neck.

He took a few steps back, laughing. Bryan and I have a really specific kind of relationship. I, him and Ange are doing everything together so it won't be the first time I'm going to the cinema with him. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too," he said and I laughed and kissed his cheek "thank you" I smiled and pulled away "it's nothing, sis," he said and ruffled my hair. I rolled my eyes and adjusted it

"Okay, see you later?" I asked when I saw Tom's waiting for the expression "definitely" he winked, I nodded and Tom pulled me away. "Where are we going?" I looked up at him. He just smirked. When we walked into the bowling alley, I widened my eyes "there is a bowling alley!?" I asked excitedly. Tom laughed and nodded "let's play," he said and pushed some buttons on the desk

Ski trip with the bad boyWhere stories live. Discover now