~ Episode 2.2 ~

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April 1917

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April 1917.

Margaret clutches a letter for her chest as she runs into the library. Robert looks up in alarm, "Margaret? What is it, darling? Did something happen to Matthew?"

She shakes his head, "No, but it does have to do with Matthew."

"Good news?"

"Very," she hands him the letter and he reads it over, a smile growing on his face. He looks up at her.

"Margaret, this is wonderful news!"

He hugs her when Cora comes in, "Whatever happened? You both look so cheerful."

"Oh, mama, Matthew is coming home for a few months. He's been asked to run a recruitment drive in Yorkshire."

She smiles, "That's wonderful, darling. It will be so good to see him again. And for a long period of time."

Carson and William come in, "Sorry to interrupt you, my lord. Your ladyships."

"What is it, Carson?"

"William has some news to share with you all."


"I've been given my orders," William tells them, "I do my medical on Wednesday and then as soon as I clear, I go to Richmond for my training. I've only got a few days before the medical, my lady."

Cora smiles, "Then go and tell your father. You don't mind, do you, Carson?"

"We must manage with no footman at all from next Wednesday," Carson replies stiffly, "It'll be no different if we start now."

"And you've always got Lang," Robert tells him. Carson looks at him and gives a slight nod.

"We wish you every good fortune, William," Cora smiles, "Don't we, darling?"

Robert nods, "We certainly do. Good luck, William."

They shake hands, "Thank you, my lord," the two of them leave the library as Margaret and her parents watch them go.

Robert sighs, "So, both my footmen have gone to the war, while I cut ribbons and make speeches."

"And keep people's spirits up," Cora adds, "which is very important."

"By God, I envy them, though. I envy their self-respect and I envy their ability to sleep at night," Cora and Margaret watch as Robert leaves, a disappointed look on his face. Margaret sighs.

"If you'll excuse me, mama," she nods and Margaret catches up to William, "William! Do you have a moment?"

"My lady?" she gives him a stern look, "I mean, Margaret."

She smiles, "I wanted to congratulate you. This is what you always wanted. To help and defend your country. I'm very pleased for you."

"Thank you."

LADY MARGARET CRAWLEY ━ downton abbeyWhere stories live. Discover now