~ Episode 2.9 ~

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December 1919

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December 1919.

Margaret stands beside her mother in the entryway of the house as several Christmas trees are placed around the house, despite Matthew's protests. Margaret was nearly 9 months pregnant and according to Doctor Clarkson, baby Crawley could arrive any day.

Over the past 9 months, Matthew had become much more protective of his wife, making sure she wasn't stressing herself out, making sure she wasn't too tired. Though, she was always tired.

Cora and Robert were ecstatic about the thought of a grandchild joining them shortly. Mary, Edith and Sybil were thrilled about the thought of a niece or nephew and were very happy for Margaret and Matthew.

Margaret, on the other hand, was becoming more restless. It had been a long and exhausting 9 months for her, constantly feeling as though all of her energy would vanish the moment she woke up. As the weeks came closer to when Doctor Clarkson predicted the baby would come, the more anxious she became.

She hardly traveled anymore, constantly staying at Downton or the Crawley House. The only visit she had done was to go to Ireland with Matthew, Mary, and Edith for Sybil's marriage to Tom. They thought it would be good to show their support to the couple, especially because Robert and Cora did not go.

"Margaret, darling," Cora says to her daughter, "I can manage if you want to sit down."

"What makes you think I want to sit down?" Margaret frowns, "Mama, with all due respect, just because I am as large as a whale and I am constantly tired does not mean I need to sit down," Cora nods and Margaret sighs, "I'm sorry, mama. I've just become restless is all."

"Perhaps a walk would do you some good," Cora suggests, "Some fresh air and the beauty that is Christmas."

Margaret nods, "That's not a bad idea, I suppose. Thank you, mama. And the house looks lovely."

"Thank you, my dear," Cora smiles, "Would you like me to find Matthew? Perhaps the two of you can enjoy the fresh air?"

"That's alright, mama. I imagine Matthew is close. He doesn't seem to leave me alone much anymore."

"He's just concerned for you, darling," Cora kisses her cheek, "You are growing a possible heir, after all."

"And your grandchild," Margaret smiles, "What do you suppose? Boy or girl?"

"A healthy baby. That's all that matters to your papa and I."

Carson comes up to them, "Letter for you, my lady."

"Thank you, Carson."

Margaret looks to the butler, "Carson, have you seen Mr. Crawley?"

"I believe he's in the library, my lady. Would you like me to get him for you?"

She smiles, "No, that's okay. I can manage on my own. Thank you, Carson," Margaret makes her way to the library, albeit slower than usual. Matthew looks up at the sound of the door opening.

LADY MARGARET CRAWLEY ━ downton abbeyWhere stories live. Discover now