~ Epilogue ~

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James and Emma stare at each other, the blonde girl holding tightly onto the journal in her hands

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James and Emma stare at each other, the blonde girl holding tightly onto the journal in her hands. Emma looks to the door, "Mama! Come quick!"

Margaret quickly rushes into her daughter's room, "What? What's the matter? Is someone hurt?" she sees the journal in Emma's hands, "Emma, what on earth are you doing with my journal?"

"I found it in a trunk when I was wandering around the attic."

Margaret frowns, "Why were you wandering around the attic?"

Emma shrugs, "I wanted to. It seemed new and exciting," Margaret looks to her son, who shrugs.

Margaret nods, "Still, it's not yours, Emma. Now, care to explain to me why you have it?"

"I read it," Emma replies, opening it up, "And now I have a few questions."

Margaret chuckles, "Oh, do you?"

"Yes," Emma says, leafing through the pages to the last page, "Why did it end so abruptly? Right now, you have written until August of 1921. But nothing after that. And you still have dozens of pages still remaining. Why did you stop?"

"Well," Margaret sighs, sitting on the bed, "what's the last thing you read in that journal?"

"Aunt Mary returned from Scotland and Cousin George was born," James replies, "But then it stops."

Margaret nods, "Yes, I did stop writing after that."

"But, why?" Emma asks, impatiently, "Why did you stop?"


A young girl with brown hair comes bounding into the room, running into her mother's arms, "Mama!"

"Hello, Ruby." Margaret smiles, sitting her on her lap, "Did you enjoy your walk with your papa and Uncle Tom?"


Matthew walks in and looks around, smiling, "And what is going on in here? I certainly hope you aren't having a party without me."

"Mama kept a journal," Emma replies before Margaret can say anything, "She wrote in it from the time she met you until Cousin George was born. But then she stopped. Now, tell us. Why did you stop?"

Margaret chuckles, Ruby's eyes following her elder siblings' and landing on their mother. Margaret looks to her husband, "I think they get this questioning from you," Matthew shrugs and the matriarch looks around at her three children, "You all were too young to remember this, and Ruby, you weren't even born yet," Emma straightens up from curiosity and Margaret sighs, "When your Cousin George was born, your Uncle Evelyn was on his way to Downton to inform the family that the baby was a boy. On his way there, he collided with another automobile."

"Uncle Evelyn?" James repeats, confused, "I thought Uncle Henry was George's father."

Margaret shakes her head, "No. He's Caroline's, but he's George's step-father. However, I was still at the hospital with Aunt Mary. Your father was the one to find out about Uncle Evelyn and I had to be the one to tell Aunt Mary."

"It was a horrible day," Matthew nods, "Your Aunt Mary was inconsolable for months. As well as his mother."

"Is that why you stopped?" Emma asks.

Margaret shrugs, "Partially. On one hand, I was helping your aunt with her grief, and in another, there were many things that happened after that time. I was just preoccupied. Why are you desperate to know, Emma?"

"I thought there was more gossip than that."

Margaret smiles, "Your middle name suits you perfectly. Granny would be proud."

"She would," Matthew agrees.

"What about Cousin Marigold?" James asks, "Where's her father? Since Uncle Bertie isn't her father."

The couple catch each others' eye and Margaret sighs, "That's a story for another time, James. And it's not mine to tell."

"What about Cousin Sybbie's mother?" Emma asks, "You hardly ever mention her."

Margaret lets out a breath, "Sybil was... the kindest soul in the family. And the reason we hardly ever speak of her is because of the memories. It was a horrible time in our family when she died and we don't want to relive it. But she lives on through Sybbie. And you're so much like her, Ruby."

"It's why your middle name is Sybil," Matthew smiles, Margaret nodding. Ruby smiles happily, snuggling against her mother. "And," Matthew continues, tickling the twins, "I came in here because we are all going to be late."

"For what?" Emma asks.

"You remember," Margaret smiles, "The annual Crawley picnic. You can spend some time with your cousins and grandparents. I'm sure Caroline is very excited to see you, Ruby. And Sybbie is just as excited, Emma. And James, George is waiting for you."

Emma and James bound out of the room in excitement. Ruby detaches herself from her mother's grasp, following her elder siblings. Their parents chuckle, following their giggling children.


The young Crawley family join the rest of their family on the Downton grounds and each child goes with their respective cousin. Caroline and Ruby wander off to feed the ducks. Marigold and Emma sit with their great-grandmother, listening to her wild stories. James and George walk with their grandfather, listening to his tales.

Margaret wanders away from her family, taking in the quiet the grounds had to offer. A soft breeze blows through her long, dark hair as her hand glides along the flowers.

She looks to the large house, her children with their glowing smiles on their faces, bringing one to her own. She feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist, "I was wondering where you ran off to," Margaret twists around in Matthew's grasp, smiling, "Is everything alright?"

"You know," Mary smiles, thoughtfully, "when I first met you, not once did I think this was how our life would turn out. I never once thought you would want me. And yet, here we are, with three beautiful children, all with such different personalities."

Matthew nods, "Ah, yes. James, the quiet one. Emma, the very outgoing, sassy one."

"And then there's Ruby," Margaret smiles, "The one who's a mixture of both. I think she'll take after Edith and Sybil," she looks back at her children, Ruby now sitting on Edith's lap, talking with her aunt happily, while Caroline follows Emma and Marigold, "We've built a good life for ourselves, Matthew. You've done wonderfully with the estate. It's thriving."

"That's thanks to Tom. And your father."

"I'm happy you all were able to figure everything out," Margaret smiles, "It's been a wild 15 years."

Matthew nods, holding out his arm. Margaret takes it, walking back to their family, "It has."

Margaret leans her head on his shoulder, "I wonder what the next 15 years will bring."


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