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Heidi P.O.V.

I walked into the indoor practice building to see Miyuki sitting on a bench on his phone. He was in a green and white long sleeve shirt, a pair of black sweats, and a black beanie. He didn't noticed I was here until I got closer to him and he looked up from his phone. He gave a smile of relief knowing I got his text message.

He stood up and made his way towards me. "Hey you got my text." He said. "Yeah I got it. So why did you call me here?"

"I just wanted to talk if that's alright with you." I looked him in eyes and couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in my stomach.

"Y-yeah it's alright." We both sat down on a nearby bench that was placed against the wall.

As I sat down I couldn't help but feel a bit of a deja vu moment.

"I don't think you will remember but a while back you were helping Sawamura and Furuya with their pitching. You were completely exhausted afterwards because of how long it took them to finally get what you asked them to do." Miyuki pointed to an area of the building where I'm guessing is where I helped the two first years.

"Did I?" I asked amused. "Well no wonder their pitching seem better from the last time I saw them pitch."

We both laughed and sat their in silence for a while. "So how have you been feeling?" Miyuki asked breaking the silence between us.

"I guess alright, besides the constant head aches when I try to remember stuff. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow in the afternoon. Maybe they'll tell me if I could finally be able to practice."

"And if they tell you you can't?" Miyuki asked looking at me seriously. In all honesty I wouldn't know what to do if I can't play for the summer tournament. I only had a concussion, although it made me forget some of my memories, I'm starting to remember pieces of it.

"Well," I said , "then I'll practice in secret. I'm not letting the third years summer be over."

"Stubborn as always." Miyuki smirked. I couldn't help but blush a bit.

"Hey Miyuki?" I asked kinda shy to ask him the question I was scared to ask.

"Yeah?" He gave me his full attention.

"What was it like when were dating?"

He looked at my eyes and smiled at my question. I think he would be happy to answer that question everyday if I asked.

"Well first off you were head over heals with me." He teased as he put on his signature Miyuki smile. "We were always laughing and joking around. People were jealous of our relationship because of how happy we look around each other."

He went on and on about things we did together and embarrassing things I did around him.

"Then there was the first time you said I love you to me." Miyuki gave a soft smile and continued. "And then there was our first kiss.." He trailed off and looked me in the eyes.

"Heh wow we were something." I said rubbing the back of my head trying to take in everything.

"We still will be when you get your memories back." I sat their quietly for a moment debating if I should ask.

"And if I don't?" I said almost in a whisper.

He sat quietly for a moment and inched closer to me. He put a hand on my chin and brought my face to face his. We were looking into each other's eyes.

In a low voice he said,"Like I said earlier. I'll make you fall in love with me all over again." And with that he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. His lips were warm against mine and it just felt so natural against mine.

The Diamond on the Field (Ace of Diamond Miyuki Kazuya)Where stories live. Discover now