Line Drive

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Third P.O.V.

Heidi groaned as she rolled over on her bed. Slowly opening her eyes she noticed she was in her bed. Heidi was about to fall back to sleep when her phone vibrated. Groaning she dug around her bed sheets looking for her phone. Grabbing it she brought it up to herself and opened the text message.

Adjusting her eyes from the brightness Heidi saw that the text was from her brother.

From: Daisuke

Hey little sis. I'll be in Japan the day before your tournament starts. Can't wait to see you and Mom again. It feels so long. Anyways I'll see you both soon!

Heidi smiled and rolled back to bed enjoying her last hour of sleep before she has to wake up.


After morning pratice started all the pitchers, catchers and team captain were summoned to Coach Kataoka to discuss the scrimmages they'll be pitching in.

"Tanba and Heidi," Katoaka started off, "this is the time to determine who wants the Ace title more. You both will be pitching tomorrow's afternoon games. Both of them. Don't over do yourself on that mound tomorrow. Try and save your full strength for the tournament."

Heidi and Tanba both nodded. Miyuki stood between the two pitchers, Sawamura on the left of Heidi and Furuya on the right of Tanba. The rest of the catchers stood next to Kawakami.

"Now Kawakami I'll be switching you out between Heidi and Tanba during certain inning's so be prepared." Kawakami nodded and looked over at the two pitchers he'll be switching out with. "Sawamura and Furuya. You two will be playing the morning scrimmage game. Show me how much you want to pitch during the tournament."

"Yes sir!" Sawamura yelled out breaking the seriousness in the meeting. "I'll give you my best performance!" Miyuki chuckled and smacked Sawamura up the head then giving a stern look at Sawamura. "Alright then. Go prepare yourself for tomorrow. Dismissed." Everyone stood up straight and all said together, "Yes".

Everyone started heading to the locker rooms to go change into their school uniforms. Heidi looked over at Tanba to see him focused on tomarrow's game. His mind telling him he has to be beat Heidi and get the ace title.

"Heidi." Miyuki said to Heidi giving her a his cheeky smile. "Do you need help changing?" He winked and walked closer to Heidi. "Not from you, you perv." Heidi pushed him away and quicken her pace. "I better not see you in there again." Miyuki chuckled and started walking off towards the guys locker room.

Scrimmage Day

The sun was starting to peak up onto the baseball field where the Seido players are warming up. All of the pitchers pitching that day were stretching out in the bullpen. Tanba sitting on the floor stretching his leg glanced over at Heidi. He glared over at Heidi who was looking forward, too focused on what's in front of her than to notice Tanba.

"Heidi." Tanba said. Heidi turned her head to Tanba. Tanba lips curled as he put on a smile. Surprised Heidi sat up from her leg stretches and looked more at Tanba. He took a deep breath and stood up. "You better pitch your heart out there today." He pointed his thumb to himself and smirked. "Cause I'm not going to let you have it."

Heidi's eyes widened on what Tanba said. Tanba was shy when she first met him and when he started opening up he was starting to become aggressive with his pitches, especially his curve balls. When Heidi started to be a better pitcher than Tanba he didn't talk much to her and glared at her always thinking how can I be better than her.

Heidi smiled at Tanba and knew how competitive today would be. As much as she doesn't really want to be an ace at the moment she said whatever might boost Tanba's motivation. "Oh I will, but I hope you don't end up being too shy out there pitching." He gave Heidi a glare but shook it off. They both continued stretching thier arms out until the two catchers came in the bullpen after catching for the morning scrimmage.

The Diamond on the Field (Ace of Diamond Miyuki Kazuya)Where stories live. Discover now