Pervert Kazuya

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My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket waking me up. I took it out and saw it was almost midnight. There was an unread message on my phone. I tried to sit up but realized someone was holding me around me waist, not letting me get up. I turned my head and saw Miyuki had fallen asleep, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I blushed not remembering falling asleep and seeing Miyuki right next to me. "Oh Kazuya.." I smiled and turned my body around to face him but I quickly turned my head back before coughing in front of him. He stirred in his sleep a bit. I laughed to myself. I turned my body to face him and was looking at his sleeping face.

That idiot looks so cute. He fell asleep wearing his glasses. I smiled and gently went to take off his glasses before he accidentally breaks them, and kissed his forehead. He clenched his eyes and he half opened them

"Hmm?" He groaned. He looked so cute I couldn't help laughing. "Good morning." I whispered to him. He opened his eyes and was staring at me confused. "Did I fall asleep? Wait it's morning?" Miyuki sat up and looked around the room. The lights were still on but you could still hear the rain hitting the window.

"Haha yeah and no, but it's almost twelve. I think you should head back soon before you get in trouble." Miyuki looked at my eyes and smirked. Confused I looked at him weird.

"What?" I questioned.

He had this look in his eyes as he smiled. He moved towards me pushing me down against my bed. He was ontop of me looking straght into my eyes. "K-kazuya what are-" He cut me off by placing his lips on mine. He pulled away and smiled.

"Kazuya, I'll get you sick." I said. He leaned down and whispered into my ear. "I told you. I don't get sick easily."

"K-Kazuya.." He went and kissed my lips again. I kissed him back and it soon grew to be more passionate. I started to feel light headed. I never knew how much of a good kisser Miyuki is. He started moving his hand up and down my leg sending chills down my spine. He deepened the kiss until my phone vibrated again.

Miyuki moved it away until it wouldn't stop vibrating. He stopped and  looked at my phone. We both sat up as I picked up my phone. I looked at the screen and it was Takako calling.

"It's Takako!" I said as I answered.


"Heidi I forgot my keys. Can you open the door?" I froze and realized Takako was standing outside and Miyuki was still my bed with me.

"Heidi? Are you there?"

"Y-yeah just one moment!" I quickly hung up and gave Miyuki his glasses back. Miyuki looked concerned as I jumped off the bed. It wasn't until my foot touched the ground when a wave of I don't know what, made me feel light headed. I lost my balance and started to fall.

"H-hey!" Miyuki yelled. He quickly got out of bed and was able to catch me before my head hit the ground. "You idiot." He scolded. "You're still sick. You can't just be jumping around like that."

I tried to stand up quickly. "T-takako! She's outside. You have to-" I got up but sliped on my blanket that got pulled off when Miyuki went to catch me.

"H-hey!" He said. I was holding onto Miyuki's arm when I slipped, making him fall with me.

I heard the door open and Takako walked in. "Never mind I found my.." Takako trailed off and looked down at us on the floor. This couldn't been the wrong time. Miyuki was on top of me and the position we were in just made it worse. Our faces were bright red.

"Um..should I come back later?" Takako started to take a few steps back the door when someone put a hand on her shoulder.

"Takako what's-" Tetsuya-senpai walked up next to her when he saw us on the floor. This couldn't get any worse! Miyuki quickly got up and helped me up.

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