Happy Birthday

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"Ow! Takako that hurts!" I complained. "Well it won't hurt if you stay still!" She scolded. Takako, the third year female manager and my roommate was rubbing icy hot onto my back. "But it hurts!" I cried out. She scolded at me again. "Well it wouldn't hurt if you weren't so reckless."

I was laying down on my stomache, thinking of what Miyuki had told me earlier before I left. "Takako.." I murmured. "What is it?" She said.

"Am I really reckless when I play?" She stopped rubbing the cream on my back and looked at me funny. "Well sometimes you can be pretty reckless when you play, like earlier today. Why did something happen?" she asked.

I couldn't get Miyuki's concerned face out of my head. "Well.." I said. "I worried Miyuki earlier when I told him my back was aching a bit and when I was going to leave he stopped me. He said he worries that I'll end up hurting myself in the game for being so reckless."

"Oh I see.." She said. "You don't want to worry him huh." "Well not just him.." I said, "I don't want to worry my friends and teammates again like last year." Ever since I was little, people have always worried about me getting hurt from playing baseball with boys. I used to drive my mom crazy worry every time she went to my games, scared that her little girl can't handle playing with the big boys.

"Oh then.." Takako wiped her hands on a towel and stood up. I sat up and put my PJ shirt on. "Well if you don't want anyone to worry you could be more careful when your playing." "Thanks Takako."That reminded me of something I saw earlier.

"Hey Ta-ka-ko." I sang. "What is it?" She asked looking a bit suspicious.

"Is there anything up with you and Tetsuya-senpai?" I grinned at her and her face started to turn red. "O-of course not!" She stuttered looking away from me.

"You sure? Hmm? I saw you guys sitting next to each other on the way back to school. He had his head against yours as you both were falling asleep on one another." I teased. Takako threw her pillow at me. "Shut up! What about you and Miyuki-kun huh? You guys are always together."

My face started to turn red. I've always liked Miyuki since we formed a battery together last year but I couldn't possibly think that he would like me back. All he probably cares about is baseball and just baseball only. I ignore my feelings towards him knowing that it'll never happen.

"T-theres nothing going on between me and that idiot!" I could feel my face being red. "Uh huh suurree." Takako teased back at me. I threw her pillow back hitting her face. "Oh shut up!" We both ended up laughing after that.


I changed into my school uniform buttoning up my baige yellow like cardigan. I was debating on whether to keep my hair down or put it up. My hair reached down to the middle of my back. Miyuki was right, it did get longer.

"Hey Takako?" I said looking away from the mirror. "Yeah?" she said changing into her uniform. "Should I keep my hair down?" Takako looked at me and examined my hair. "It looks good down."

"Alright thanks." I brushed my blonde hair and looked in the mirror. My bangs parted and framed my face. My eyes were standing out with the colors I was wearing.

I was walking to class when my phone kept going off. I took my phone out and smiled at the birthday messages I kept recieving.

"Hei-chan!" Miyuki called out. He walked up next to me and noticed my phone out. "Oh who are you talking too?" My phone kept going off in my hand. Miyuki was leaning over trying to read the messages when I put my phone in my pocket. "Nosy." I said.

Miyuki laughed and patted my shoulder. I still couldn't get what Miyuki said yesterday out of my head.

"You smell like Icy Hot." He said. "How's your back?"

"It's not as sore as I thought it'd be but the bruise I received from Manaka is really cool looking." I said joking about the bruise. Miyuki ruffled my hair. "You idiot." he said laughing. "Happy Birthday Hei-chan."

"Y-you remembered?" I questioned.

He gently hit my head. "Of course I remembered."

"Thank you." I smiled at him making Miyuki blush.


I walked into the pratice field and was greeted by my team mates.

"Happy Birthday Shorty." Jun said ruffling my hair.

"Happy Birthday." Tetsuya-senpai,Masuko, and Rysouke said together. Kuromoichi ran up to me and started punching my arm. "Ow! Kuromoichi that doesn't work you know!" I had a feeling he'd end up doing those stupid birthday punches. He got to 16 and pinched my arm. I moved away from him and started to rub my arm.

After some more birthday wishes practice started like usual. We usually don't practice long after a game during the spring tournament so practice ended early. The girl managers made little cupcakes for me and my god father gave me a birthday card and hugged me telling me Happy Birthday.

I was heading out of the practice field when Miyuki called out. He ran up to me and had something behind his back. "Hei-chan wait I have something for you." I turned towards him and he had a huge grin on his face. "Oh Miyuki you didn't have to get me anything you know."

"I know. Close your eyes." His grin still on his face. "This isn't another spider like last year is it?" I asked suspiciously. "Hahaha no not this time. Close your eyes."

"You better not be lieing." I closed me eyes like Miyuki said to. "Stick out your hands."

"Miyuki if its-"

"It's not I promise." I stuck out my hands and felt something soft. "Open them." I opened my eyes and say a cute little bear with a Seido hat and fake glasses on it.

"Is this suppose to be you?" I questioned looking at the bear that kinda resembled like Miyuki. "Haha yup. Now you can have me next to you when you go to sleep at night."

"That's a little creepy...but thank you MIyuki." I smiled at him making him blush. "I-I have another surprise for you." Miyuki stood in front of me and started getting closer to me. I felt my heart pounding like crazy. His face was close to my face. Is it what I think he was doing? He got closer and kissed my cheek. His face was blushing and I bet mine was too. "Happy Birthday Heidi."

~I don't own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

The Diamond on the Field (Ace of Diamond Miyuki Kazuya)Where stories live. Discover now