Flashback/Bonus Chapter

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Seido 1st year

It's been a few weeks now since school started and the first years were now starting to adjust to the rigorous training regimen.

They were on the field practicing  fielding with some of the upperclassmen. Kuramoichi Youichi, a first year, practiced short stop but was criticized by 2nd year Kominato Ryosuke for not closing his glove in time as a ball came his way.

Miyuki Kazuya, a first year catcher, responded to a bunt ball that he was given by the batter who was hitting the balls out the fielders.

He got it and threw it to the first basemen and went back to his catching position.

The batter grabbed a ball and hit it foul between catcher and third. It was a fast pop fly as Miyuki and Heidi, also a first year and only female on the team, both went after it.

Miyuki was going to call it until Heidi beat him to it.

"It's mine!" She called out in english. Miyuki hesitates as he was trying to remember what she said means and quickly backs off as soon as he understood what it meant.

Heidi slid on her stomache and stuck out her glove in time to catch the ball before it hit the ground.

All the upperclassmen on the field and sidelines were amazed by Heidi. Heidi stuck her glove up in the air showing everyone she caught the ball.
She stood up and her practice uniform was covered in dirt, though she didn't seem to mind as she admits before that she loves being covered in dirt because it shows how much effort they put into a play.

She tossed the ball back to the batter and jogged back to her position. Miyuki stared at her, impressed on her fielding.

They already had formed a battery together after Miyuki won a challenge against Heidi last week. They haven't practiced together much but after seeing Heidi catch that ball he starts getting more excited having her as a teammate and playing besides her.

"Nice catch Dalton!" The batter calls out. "Let's see you try it again! Go one!" He hit a grounder towards her, the ball did a bad bounce on the dirt and causes Heidi to back up a bit before it goes past her.

She has always hated the grounders that end up doing a bad bounce because of how it always throws her off.

She catches the balls glad that she caught it but trips on her own feet as she tries to throw it to first. The ball didn't end up making it all the way to first.

"Hey Dalton! Don't you dare do that in a game! Don't think we'll go easy on you because you're a girl!" Jun, a 2nd year, yelled from Center Field at her.

Miyuki couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her fall. Heidi groaned and mumbled out "it's Heidi not Dalton" then silently cursing to herself for being a clutz infront of everybody.

Heidi pushed her self up and switched with 2nd year Masuko Tooru.

The long practice in the early spring sun ended and Coach Katoka, Heidi's god father, annouced the spring first string players and Kuramochi, Miyuki, and Heidi were the only first years to make it on the list.

Heidi and Miyuki were the last ones left on the baseball field after practice ended. Heidi sat in the dug out stretching out her glove hand.

"Is your hand alright?" Miyuki asked as he sat down next to her observing her hand. The bottom of her index finger was swollen and bruised and her palm slightly red.

"Yeah, just everyone throws hard. I guess I need more padding in my glove or I just have to get used to it."

Miyuki starred at her and chuckled to himself making Heidi give him a confused look. "What?" She questioned.

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