I remember Kazuya..

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Heidi P.O.V.

I remember..

I laid in bed replaying the dream I just had, but I'm pretty sure it was more than a dream. I was in a game and Miyuki called for my change up pitch..and the ball went straight towards me..

I must have been in deep thought cause I fell out of bed when my alarm rang. I pulled my sheets down with me and laid on the ground just looking up at the ceiling letting my alarm echo in my room.

A sudden daja vu hit me and suddenly my lovely roommate walked in. "What are you doing Heidi?" Takako asked giving me a confused look.

"Oh you know just enjoying this lovely structure we call a ceiling." I said sarcastically. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I was helping the girls clean the storage room. After yesterdays game things got unorganized."

I sat up and turned off my alarm clock that I usually keep under my bed. My body felt sore as I was finally able to practice and I still need to get back to my old self.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask. How did yesterday's game go? I couldn't go since I was told to stay behind and train on my own." I stood up and stretched, loving how good it felt.

"They did good. Of course they won." Takako said as she looked in the mirror to fix her hair. "Did you know Sawamura can't go a single game without yelling?"

I laughed as I sat down on my bed. "I noticed since he was in the 2nd string."


Kazuya.. I remember..

I was on the field practicing batting with the machine when it hit me..not an idea..the ball..again..

"Can't you fix that machine to stop hitting me!" I yelled getting frustrated at the first year working the machine.

"Hey Hei-chan," Jun called out. "Don't blame the poor first year. It's not his fault your a ball magnet." I didn't have to look at him to know he was smiling at the word ball magnet.

"Shut up Spitz!" I yelled at him from the plate. He was in the batter circle.

"Who the hell you calling a Spitz, Thunder thighs!" The guys around us were trying their best not to laugh but Kuramoichi didn't care and laughed all he wanted.

I turned around and faced Jun giving him the meanest look I could possibly give. "The hell you calling-" And again that's when it hit me, only this time not in the head. It happened so fast yet so slow for me to hear the guys gasp. I fell on the ground looking up at the blue clear sky watching a couple of birds and an air plane go by.

The guys were piled around me, some trying to get my attention but I didn't look. My head felt almost numb and before I realized it I was unconscious.

But in a way I wasn't unconscious...I was almost like in a movie theater watching something. Things were playing through..most of which were me.

They were my missing memories. Everything rushed through almost like it was fast forward and then the screen turned white.


I opened my eyes was saw my god father looking down at me with ice pack on my forehead.Everyone around me looked relieved. "It's just a bump in the head, nothing serious." My god father smiled and helped me sit up.

"What happened?" I asked pressing the ice pack against my forehead. Jun answered. "The machine malfunctioned and changed the pitching speed and released a couple of balls. Luckily it hit you on the opposite side on your helmet from where you got you your concussion." Jun smirked. "I always knew your face was made of steel."

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