Challenge for Ace

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I was pitching on the mound to Miyuki. Tanba was a few feet behind me, waiting for his turn, next to an impatient Furuya. The field was a bit muddy but not that muddy to not be able to pratice on. I did my wind up and realsed the ball. The ball flew to Miyuki but he had to move his glove to the right to get it.

"Okay Okay! Shake it off." He yelled out. He got up and threw it back to me. "Focus on your control. Let's pratice your change up."  I caught the ball and nodded. Damn it. My control has been off lately. I kicked the dirt like mud and adjusted my under armor around my neck. Stupid Miyuki. Now I have to cover my neck because of you. I looked up and saw Miyuki looking at me. He winked and smirked at me. I tried not to blush and did my wind up.

People always tell me my pitching is like a one motion pitch. So swift and percise. They say I remind them of my father.

I was about to release my pitch when my father's image popped into my head. I cringed at the thought and ended up releasing the ball to late.

The ball hit  home plate and bounced into Miyuki's glove. Damn. I stood up straight and quickly walked around the mound. "Damn it..get out of my head." I whispered in english so no one could understand me.

"Heidi!" Miyuki called out. I looked over at him and he threw the ball back to me. I caught it and gave it to Tanba. "Here." I said. "I need a break." Tanba looked at me with his stern like impression and nodded. I walked towards the dug out and sat down, taking a sip of water out of my water bottle.

"You look frustrated." Some one said. I looked up and saw Chris-senpai. "Oh, hey Chris-senpai." I said smiling. I've known Chris since I was little. Both our dad's are close friends. He's pretty much like the only person that's like family to me at Seido. Besides my god-father.

"What are you doing? Isn't Sawamura with you?" He sighed and sat down next to me. "He's been bugging me all day. I thought I deserve a break from him and see what you guys are doing."

I smiled and turned my body toward him. "Well you'll be joining us again after tomorrow, right? There are two spots left and your shoulder is healed, right?" Chris looked at me and gave me a small smile. He ruffled my hair and spoke softly. "We'll see."

I looked into his eyes and saw that the shine in his eyes are still gone. Oh how I want to play besides Chris one more time.


It was sunset and we were practicing fielding. I was on right field and Kawakami was on the mound. One of the team members were hitting balls out to us. Miyuki was off on the side helping Furuya stretch out.

"Short stop!" Our team mate yelled out hitting the ball towards Kuramoichi. "Shahaha!" He laughed loudly. He easily got the ball and threw it  first to Miyuki.

He kept hitting the ball to us and one by one we all got it. It was starting to become harder to keep grip on the muddy ground, even with cleats on. He soon hit the ball down between right and center.

"Mine!" I called out to Jun. I was running to meet the ball when I slipped on mud, missing the ball. Luckily Jun backed me up and got the ball and threw it in to third.

I laid on the ground embarrassed. Everyone saw me mess up. I groaned and pushed myself up sitting on my knees.

"Hey! Only pigs like mud." Jun said walking up to me with his dumb scowl on his face. He put his hand out and I took it. He helped me up and he snickered. I looked down and my white uniform which was all muddy. I even had some mud on my glasses. I quickly wiped it off and went back to my position.

After fielding was over we ended practice with a quick jog and everyone started to leave.

I started putting my things in my bag when Miyuki came up behind me. "So my girlfriend is a little piglet now?" I turned around and smirked at him. He noticed my suspicious smirk and was about to run when I hugged him, making sure I have a good grip on him.

"H-hey! Your dirty." He said trying to push me away. I let go and laughed. "Well I guess my boyfriend is a pig too."

"Your so evil.."Miyuki spoke. "No wonder I love you." I blushed hearing Miyuki say 'I love you'.

We were about to head out when my god father called me and Tanba over. "Heidi, Tanba. I need to speak with you two."

I looked over at Tanba who was about to leave and we both walked to my god father who was waiting by home plate with Rei-chan. "Yes." We both said.

He looked at us sternly, eyeing us up and down. "As you know Spring Training is after the 2nd String game and after spring training is the tournament. You two are our key pitchers. For the next week I need you two to take care of yourself. I don't want any injuries from you two when the tournament start. Understood?"

"Yes!" We both said looking at each other. We both started walking back to the dug out when I looked up at Tanba and noticed how short I am compared to him. I hung my head low realizing how short I am.

"What?" Tanba said sternly." I looked at him and shook my head. "Nothing." I said. Tanba glanced and me and stopped making me stop with him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned at his sudden move. "Heidi." He said seriously. He paused for a second and looked at me straight in my eyes. "I'm not planning on giving up my ace title to you anytime soon. I won't loose to you easily." He continued looking at me and I nodded my head to him.

"Right." He looked away and continued walking. I stood there thinking of what my god father and Tanba just said.


I walked outside of the girl's bath house to be meeted by Miyuki. "Kazuya? What are you doing here?" He was leaning against the wall wearing his black sweats, red and white long sleeve, and his black beanie. "I can't wait for my little piglet to be clean?" He questioned sarcastically as he smiled teasingly.

"Ha Ha funny. You know if you got caught in the girl's locker room and seen here people will think you're a peeping perv." He put his sly smile on and walked up in front of me. He moved my hair that was covering my neck and put his fingers on the part of my neck he bit earlier.

"Well I guess that'll mean you'll be the peeping perv's partner." He rubbed his thumb on my neck and snickered. He bent down and placed a kiss on my lips. "Your so cute." I blushed at his sudden movement and moved away. "Idiot." I whispered. He laughed and held my hand. "Come on. Let's go to my dorm."


Sorry about this long wait! I had bad writers block (although I have the whole story planned out) and now I don't haha. I'll try posting more of the chapters soon and sorry that this was a bit short. Anyways!!! Thank you for reaching over 1,000 reads!! I'm so happy! I never thought I'd reach this far! I'll try to post chapters as much as I can. School started and I've been busy but I promise I'll get it done as soon as I can. Anyways Thanks for reading!!!

~I Do not own Ace of Diamonds or any of the characters besides my own~

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