Spring Training

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*Time Skip to half a week into Spring Training*

Heidi's P.O.V.

We were finishing the night doing base running and 20 sprints. I finished my last sprint wanting to pass out. I put my hand on my hips trying to get oxygen in my body. I looked back and saw the first years about ready to collapse. Miyuki stood next to me trying to catch his breath, wiping some sweat off his forehead.I hate spring training. The hot weather mix with countless running really tires me out. 

"Heidi." Miyuki called. "Help me with the first years." I looked down and all three of them were on the floor breathing heavily. "Poor guys."  I said walking towards them helping Haruichi up.


*Next Day*

The sun was beating down on us. We were all praticing fielding and I decided to pratice my outfielding. We were all roared up, everyone yelling, showing how pumped we are for the summer tournament. I looked around and saw Miyuki catching in the bull pen. He turned and saw me looking at him. He smiled and winked and I couldn't help but to stick my tongue at him.

We were still fielding when my god father decided to hit the balls to us. Things were now getting serious...

We've been at it for hours. The field lights were already on and everyone was gathering around watching us. We were all at our breaking point. No one was talking and most of us were missing the balls. Even I was ready to give.

I crouched down trying to catch my breath. Almost everyone was. I was about ready to pass out until I heard my god fathers yelling. "Are you guys going to give up? What happened, you guys were yelling earlier." He scanned around and laid eyes on Tetsuya who was also crouched down.

"Yuki. Are you ready to give?" 

"No.." Tetsuya said weakly. 

"I can't hear you!"

Tetsuya shakingly stood up and yelled out. "No! Please give me more balls to catch!'

I smiled at Tetsuya. I can't let him be the only one. I slowly started to stand back up and yelled as loud as I could with as much energy I had left. "Please! Send me some too!"

My god father smirked and one by one everyone got back up and started roaring with what  energy we barely had left.

I felt  dirty and sticky from all the sweat and dirt. I slowly started walking back taking my time. I held my glove in my hand and feeling my steps getting slower. I managed to get to my boyfriend who was bent over taking off his leg guards. I smirked and kicked his butt causing him to turn around shocked.

"You really shouldn't be bent down like that." I said winking at him. Miyuki smirked and put an arm around my shoulder. "You know you liked the view." I giggled and pushed him away. "Yeah right. Ha you stink you pervy pig."  

"Look who's talking."

We helped put the equipment away and were the last ones left on the field. I tried to ignored the aching tired feeling that was washing over me as I lifted the heavy bucket of balls into the shed. 

"You look tired." Miyuki said walking up behind me. I stood infront of me and moved a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. He smiled and moved his face close to mine and placed a small sweet kiss on my lips.  "I hope you aren't too tired for me."

I could feel myself blushing as his eyes were looking into mine. "K-kazuya.." I stuttered his name out. Damn it. I feel nervous now. Miyuki chuckled and grabbed a ball from the bucket. 

"I didn't get to catch for my piggy today. How about we do a few?" He winked and placed a small smile on his face. I smiled and took the ball from him. "Alright, just be ready to catch my balls because I'm going all out." I was starting to walk out of the shed when I stopped to walk back to Miyuki and plant a suprise kiss on his lips. He blinked a bit suprise. I smired and whispered to him. "Call me Pigg again and you'll be kissing Sawamura." I backed away and gave him a joking serious look only for him to laugh and grab me from the waist. "HaHa! You're funny." He said sarcastically.


I started pitching to him for almost thrity minutes enjoying the time we have alone together. I tried to ignore the heavy waves of soreness and tiredness so our time together could last a bit longer. We started talking about the most randomest things ever.

"Hei-chan if we ever got married how many kids do you want?" I blushed at the question but answered truthfully. 

"Umm...probally two. What about you?" I did my wind up and pitched the ball to him loving the noise the ball makes when it makes contact with the glove. Miyuki smiled. "Over 9,000. But I want them to look like you." He threw the ball back to me and I gave him a weird look.

"No way. That's to many baby Kazuya's running around." I did my wind up again and felt the pitch feel weak as I released it.

"But they'll be cute." He said catching the ball. "Hey do you still have the bear I gave you for your birthday?" He threw the ball back and caught it with my glove. "That scary thing that looks like you? Yeah sadly." I said jokingly. "Oh your so mean." Kazuya said as his phone started to vibrate. He looked at it and sighed.

"I'll be right back. Sawamura is causing trouble to my roommates." He got up kissed my cheek. "DO you want me to walk you back to your dorm or are you going to stay here?"

"I'll stay here and pratice a few on the net."

"Okay." Miyuki said. "I'll be back."

He walked off to the boy's dorm leaving me alone in the bull pen. I quickly set up a net and started pitching to it. It was starting to be hard to ignore the tired sore wave washing over my body. I sighed and did my wind up feeling every inch of my body aching. I tried to ignore it and released the ball.

The ball hit the corner of the net and didn't even roll back to me. I sighed and walked to pick up the ball. I bent down to get it when I started to feel light headed and I wasn't able to stand anymore. I stumbled down to my knees. I tried to stand back up when a wave of blackness just washed over me.


I opened my eyes to see a worried Miyuki. "Hei-chan?" He said. "Are you okay? What happened?" He put a hand on my cheek and moved a strand of my hair away from my face. He carefully helped me sit up as I the side of my body was against his. 

"I don't know. I just felt a sudden lightheadedness and yeah.." 

"Can you stand?" He asked. 

I nodded and he picked up my glove and helped me stand up. I never realized how short I am compared to Miyuki. "Just to be careful, I'm going to be keeping an eye on you. Let's head to your dorm."


Woah hey guys sorry! My laptop wasn't working so I wasn't really able to update. Sorry for the wait and for the chapter not being good. I wanted to post the chapter as fast as I can for you guys. Anyways thanks for reading and waiting. I'm almost done with Ace of Diamond One shots so I'll be posting that very soon. Thanks for reading!

~I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones that I made up~


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