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"Tetsuya-senpai!" The blonde girl yelled running up to her captain Tetsuya Yuuki. He was talking to Jun Isashiki, the third year Center Fielder. They had just finished pratice and were talking about the first years. Tetsuya turned to the voice with his stern face but lightened up when he saw the second year girl back at Seido.

"Heidi-chan when did you get back?" Tetsuya asked. Heidi was wearing her school uniform although class had ended in the afternoon. "I just got back. There was maintence issue with the trains so I was stuck at the station all day. I thought I would be back in time before school started but I guess not." Jun hit the blonde girl on the head. "Idiot. You missed the first few days of school and pratice and you didn't even say hi to me."

The blonde girl rubbed her head. "Ow you're so mean Spitz-senpai." Jun's face turned red from embaressment. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING SPITZ!?" Tetsuya and Heidi laughed at Jun's reaction. "Anyways I didn't get back in time to see the first years. Is there anyone interesting?" Heidi asked.

"That's a bit sad you don't know anything about them co-captain." Jun said. "It's not my fault I had family matters to deal with." Heidi replied turning her head away from Jun. Heidi and her parents went through a nasty divorce before she entered highschool after he got caught cheating. Her mother moved back to Japan afterwards not wanting to do anything with him. They moved back with their family back in Japan. Before school started she had to stay behind and take care of her sick great grandmother.

Tetsuya sighed. "Well that middle school kid who struck out Azuma last year is here although he caused up quite a scene when he came here. Ryouske's little brother is here and there is a 'monster' rookie pitcher who's fastballs are 150km (90 mph). So far it looks interesting."

"Oh I wonder what Tanba thinks of him." Heidi said. She started looking around the empty baseball field. "By any chance do you know where that idiot Miyuki is at?" Jun smirked. Since last year he has always teased her about Miyuki and her being a couple. Although they both denied it they never admitted to liking one another.

"Why huh? So you two can kiss up." Jun teased. "Oh shut up you manga addict!" Jun became embarresed and kicked Heidi's butt. "Shut up! It was my dumb sisters fault!"


Heidi was heading towards the boy's dorm room when she heard a familiar laugh by the indoor pratice building. She walked inside to see Miyuki with his glove in his catchers stance. He was catching for Tanba. So far they haven't noticed her. "Nice pitch Tanba. Now try pitching me a curve ball." Miyuki said throwing the ball back to Tanba. Tanba nodded and got in his pitching stance. Beads of sweat was dripping down his forehead. He pitched his curve ball to Miyuki making a clapping noise with his glove. "Nice pitch." Miyuki said.

Heidi watched the two boys for a little while longer until she decided to interupt their little pratice. "Uh hmm." She coughed. The two boys looked into the direction where they heard the cough. "I see you two are getting some late night pratice. You know dinner is almost over."

Miyuki smirked. "Well at least we have been praticing unlike you." Miyuki teased. "Hei-chan when did you get back?"  "An hour ago." Heidi smiled at him. Tanba didn't make much eye contact with the blonde girl's green eyes. When the third years retired last season Tanba has been competing against Heidi for the ace title. Although Heidi doesn't want to be an ace she does strive to improve her pitching for the team though she perfers fielding. So far now he considers Heidi his competition although she just wants to be his relief.

"I'm going to go get food." Tanba said trying to avoid contact with Heidi. "Alright." Miyuki said. Tanba walked away. Miyuki stood up from his stance and walked over to Heidi. "Aren't you hungry?" He asked.

"No I ate on the way here." Miyuki smirked. "Why are you wearing your school uniform?" "I thought I'd be back on time before school started. I was wrong. I got so many stares from people on the train. They probally thought I was ditching."

Miyuki started laughing. "Hahaha as if you're the type to ditch." He tossed Heidi the baseball that him and Tanba were using. "Do you want to pitch some?" Heidi caught it and smirked. "I thought you'd never ask."


Hey guys my first ever fan fiction I've ever written and published. I hope you guys like the small prolouge for far. I had to do so much research to make sure I'm getting things right haha. Anyways I decided to do and Ace of Diamond fan fiction although I've had it writtin down for a while. I thought there should be more Ace of Diamond stories. Anyways just a heads up there will be chapters where it will flash back into her first year at Seido and if anyone wants a request of ace of diamond characters I'll be happy to do any one shots. I'll write more later anyways thanks for reading.





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