Welcome Back (repost/edit)

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It's been a week since I've been back at Seido. Since I came back I've been trying to catch up on the training I missed. My body is aching, who knew missing a few days of practice could make you feel out of shape. I was welcomed back by many of the guys and kept getting bombarded by some of the first years asking questions and confronting me about outrageous rumors they heard. They kept asking for advice, especially Sawamura about pitching.

I was in class listening to Miyuki and Kuromochi fighting over who knows what. My seat is behind that idiot Miyuki and from time to time he would turn around and find ways to make fun of me. Curse this seating chart.

"So Hei-chan," Miyuki said turning his body around to face me, "Are you finally caught up to be able to play Ichidai this week?"

"I should be." I said.

"Man can't wait to beat them for embarrassing us last year." Kuromoichi laughed. "Remember when Azuma got hit up to bat and was about to fight the pitcher." Miyuki started laughing. "Hahaha that was hilarious! It took almost half the team to hold him back. Coach was so mad he benched him for three weeks."

Miyuki and Kuromoichi were laughing at the old memories from last year. I hope the team that drafted Azuma is doing alright dealing with him. My eyes started to wander out the window and I was beginning to dose off when I felt something touch my hair.

"Hey Hei-chan." Miyuki said running his fingers through my hair. "Your hair got longer. You look more like a girl now with your hair down too." I could feel my face turn red. I snatched hair away from Miyuki. "You creep! What are you saying, I look more like a boy?"

Miyuki burst into laughing. "Hahahaha! Oh Heidi you're so cute when you make that face." He smiled his usual grin at me and I couldn't help blushing. I ran my fingers through my hair and actually noticed my hair did get longer. I've kept my hair up so much out of habit for baseball that I never noticed it getting longer.

Miyuki started to make fun of Kuromoichi starting another scene in the class room. Don't they ever get tired of fighting with each other.


It was the day we finally get back at Ichidai for last year. My god father gathered everyone around and started talking about the game. Right when he was done he told Tetsuya-senpai to do the usual. We all crouched down and circled around in the order of our jersey number with Tetsuya in the middle. I never get tired of doing this.

Tetsuya put his hand over the Seido letters and so did everyone else one by one. He then pointed his thumb to himself.

"Who are we?" he said.

"Seido, the champions!" we all yelled.

"Who's shed the most sweat?"


"Shed the most tears?"


"Are you ready for the fight?" he said louder.


"Bearing pride in our hearts,we have just one goal!" Tetsuya-senpai stood up and pointed his finger up to the sky. "The national championship! Let's do this!"

We all did the same thing as Tetsuya-senpai and screamed. "Yeah!"

I looked back and saw the first years awing in amazement.

We all grabbed our stuff and started walking towards the buses. "Hey! Hei-chan!" I heard Miyuki call out. He walked up next to me and had his usual grin on his face. "Lets sit together." I started to laugh. "Why are you even asking? You always end up sitting next to me even when I kick you away."

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