Always (Final Chapter)

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It was the morning before our game with Inashiro and everyone on the team is pretty excited. We are just one game away from making it to nationals, something this school hasn't gone to in six years.

The memory of last year loosing to Inashiro was still fresh in everyone's mind. To the third years I bet they use it as motivation since it's their last year.

I woke up pretty early, surprisingly in a good mood. My headaches got better as time went on. The last game me and Tanba were finally able to play but sadly for me I didn't get to stay in long.

I was able to pitch for at least an inning but then got switched to right field. I didn't mind as much because it was understandable.

Lately I haven't really been comfortable pitching. In practice games their are hiccups here and there and I try to push past it but the memory of hitting hit in the head was still haunting me. I guess you can say I have the yips.

I of course try not to let it get to me but I'm always a bit freaked out on where the ball will end up going. Hopefully I can get past this soon.

I laid in my bed for a good 10 minutes starring at the photos on my wall remembering taking the photos and then having a game afterwards. I had a photo of me and Miyuki on there before we started dating.

We were out in the city with the team and we ended up getting split up in the crowd. As we were looking for them Miyuki found a photo booth and thought it would be fun if we take a picture together for memories.

Surprisingly I agreed, although at that time I was really annoyed by Miyuki since he was the reason we got lost from everyone else. I smiled at the photo seeing the dumb faces he tried to get me to make.

I sat up on my bed, swinging my legs over and stood up stretching my arms. Takako was still asleep and I tried my best not to wake her as I changed into my running shorts, a t-shirt, and my favorite Nike running shoes. I tied my hair up and made my way to the field.

The sun was barely rising and there was only three people out running. Today for some reason feels calm, which is a surprise because since winning the last game all the boys were filled with excitement and revenge for the game against Inashiro.

I was now jogging my second lap listening to songs from Ed Sheeran when I heard a big commotion behind me. I turned my head to see Furuya and Sawamura sprinting, Sawamura yelling a whole bunch of things at him.

I stopped and quickly moved out of the way before I could get trampled.

They quickly passed me leaving a dust trail behind them.

They are always competing against eachother lately and it's starting to get a bit annoying. Just last week they were having a eat off with their rice.

"Those idiots.." I mumbled. I turned my music up higher and continued jogging until I was done on my third lap.

Usually I would go four laps but today I just felt like doing three. I laid down on the hill looking up at the sky. It feels so peaceful today.

It didn't last long as Sawamura's yelling  filled the whole area. Even with my headphones in I could still hear him.

I let out a groan and sat up taking off my headphones.

"You're up early."

I turned around and saw Miyuki standing there wearing his workout clothes and a hat with strands of his hair sticking out in the front.

"So are you. Did Sawamura wake you up?" I asked and looked to the field where Furuya and Sawamura were doing towel drills.

Miyuki rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "He woke up the whole dorm. I swear he's so loud in the morning."

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