Face of Steel

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"Heidi...Heidi...Heidi!" I woke up to the call of my name. "W-what?" I felt groggy sitting up. "Lunch just started. Are you going to eat?" Miyuki asked. I started stretching my arms out and yawned. "Hmm?" I questioned as I rested my head back on my desk. I didn't get much sleep last night because the guys kept asking so many questions about me and miyuki when we came back to the dorm that night and Kuramoichi wanting me to play video games with him.

"Hey, don't go back to sleep when I'm talking to you. You're setting a bad example as a co-captain. What if the first years saw you sleeping in class." Miyuki scolded.

"I can't help it." I was starting to doze back to sleep when I felt someone shaking my arm. "Miyuki leave me alone you idiot.."

Miyuki smirked. "That's not a nice thing to say to your boyfriend, small fry." I shot up and glared at him. "You promised you'd never call me that again!" I nearly shouted. Miyuki laughed and gently pecked me on the lips. I blushed and looked away. "Idiot." I whispered.

We were walking down the hallway, heading up to the roof top holding each others hands. A lot of people were staring at us whispering. When we finally got to the roof  we sat down on a little bench by the fence.

We took out our lunch and started eating. "Miyuki-kun did you catch for Sawamura during the game with the first years?" I asked. Miyuki laughed and put a hand on my shoulder. "Does someone not like sharing?" He teased. "N-no, Miyuki I.."

"Why do keep calling me Miyuki?" He interrupted. "We're a couple now. Call me by my name, Kazuya." He held my hand causing me to blush. I hesitated and continued to what I was going to say. "Mi-... K-Kazuya..your an idiot.." I mumbled embarrassed. Miyuki laughed and hugged me. "Your so cute when you make that face."


The sun was beating down on us. It was hot and the sun was facing left field and I happen to be playing third. The coach hit the ball towards me and I ran up to it and threw it back to home. Practice was just hot. I wish I could be in the shade. It's too early in the season for it to be this hot.

I looked over to the bull pen and saw Miyuki catching with Furuya and poor Chris-senpai was catching for Sawamura. "Third basemen!" Some one yelled. I looked over and saw Masuko-senpai's glove in front of me. It was a stray ball that was heading towards me and I didn't even notice. Did Masuko-senpai come all the way from the side lines just to save me from the ball?

"Heidi-chan." Masuko said. "Pay attention. You almost could've been hurt." I nodded my head. "Yes, thank you Masuko."

Practice went on until nine and finished up with a long jog. I was tired and was getting my bag that was in the dug out when I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"Ah, Heidi-chan, I'm so tired. Those two first years have been bugging me to catch for them." He buried his head on neck. I could feel my face heat up as his grip tightened. "I just want to sleep..but with you by my side." He whispered teasly.

"Miyuki..stop that." I said trying to pull him off. That only made him grip me even more. "I told you its Kazuya. Ka-zu-ya."

I groaned. "Kazuya-kun and you please let go." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "You're so cute." He let of me, making me turn around facing him. He put a hand on my chin and raised it up to to his face. He bent over and kissed me on my lips. I feel fireworks every time he kisses me like that. A couple of the guys were walking by and started whistling. Miyuki pulled away and smiled at the guys. I just blushed uncontrollably from embarrassment.


We were playing our last game before spring training starts. The weather was dark and cloudy. It was going to rain soon. I was playing third and so far we were up by five runs. Tanba was pitching and was doing alright, better than the first game. He pitched to the batter and the batter hit it towards short. Kuramoichi got it throwing it to first ,getting the batter out.

"Out!" The ump yelled. A gust of wind blew and I shivered. Danm bi-polar weather. I didn't wear my under armor because it was hot and sunny when we were at school. I didn't even bring a jacket. We were switching and it was our turn to bat.

I was the next batter up and did a few practice swings before getting into the batter box. It was a bit windy,  the  air was cold. I glanced over to my god father and he gave the bunt signal. I nodded my head and stood in my batting stance.

The pitcher had a weird aura. I couldn't read what he was planning on pitching. He did his wind up and I moved my fingers up the bat. He released the ball and I got in my bunting stance. I saw the ball was a bit high but was still in my strike zone. I moved my bat a little higher but the ball went over. Crap. I felt the ball hit my left cheek. The pain shot through my face. It felt like my cheek was under the tingly numbing feeling.

I stumbled out of the batter box and I felt something dripping down my face. It stung like crazy. I put my hand over my cheek as I stood there taking in that I got hit in the face. My god father ran out of the dug out and came to my side followed by the ump.

( This has actually happened to one of my friends before during softball pratice.)

"Heidi, are you okay?" I looked down still holding my cheek. I groaned. It hurt like hell but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. "Does it hurt?" He asked moving my hand away from my cheek. His eyes widened, as he put the towel he had in his hand up against my cheek.

"I'm fine, it just stings. I got lucky it wasn't a fast pitch." I said. I looked at my white batting gloves and saw my blood stained on it. "Can I still play? It doesn't hurt that bad." I asked the ump and my  god father.

The ump looked shocked. I guess he didn't expect a girl to be so casual about this. I mean yeah it was a ball to the face, but it doesn't hurt thhat bad to be taken out.

"Well.." The ump started to say when my god father cut in. "For now I'll send in a runner for you. Furuya! Put a helmet on. Your subbing for Heidi." He said towards the dug out. "I'll put you in the next inning. Let's just bandage this up." He walked me to the dug out where my worried team mates were waiting. I held the towel to my face and got in the dug out taking a seat on the bench.

"Heidi you scared us back there." Tetsuya-senpai said. "Damn shorty you can sure take a punch..or a ball to the face. Are you okay?" Jun asked. I smiled at them but it hurt to do so so I did a small smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It just hurts a bit, but I'm okay. I just got lucky. Sorry to worry you guys." I heard the sound of cleats coming my way. I looked over, still holding the towel to my cheek. Kazuya walked up to me and had a worry looked on his face. He was warming Tanba up again and probably didn't see me get hurt.

"Heidi are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine. Sorry I didn't mean to worry you too." He looked a bit relieved and looked at my hand seeing my blood stained gloves. He sighed and his face still had a worried expression. Rei-chan came up to me with some bandages. "Heidi please remove the towel." She said.

I nodded and removed the towel. I could feel my cheek is swelling up. "How does it look?" I asked. Rei-chan examined it as she carefully put the bandage on my cheek. "Well the baseball stitches are marked on your face and your cheek is starting to swell up, but you'll be fine." She finished putting the bandage on my face, smiled, and walked back to where she was.

Kazuya looked at me and grabbed my hand. "You still worry me,small fry." I groaned at the sound of that name.

After that inning I went and played third for the rest of the game. It started to rain making me feel even more cold. The game wasn't canceled until it started to pour. I stood in the dug out getting my stuff, shivering and cursing at my self for not bringing anything to keep me warm.

I sniffled and sneezed. I felt someone wrap something warm around my shoulders. "You'll get sick, here." I looked back and saw Kazuya put his Seido jacket around me. "Mi- I mean Kazuya.."

He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand. "I'm glad your not too hurt. You scared me back there." I blushed and gripped his hand. "Sorry..I guess I was being reckless again." I looked down at his hand.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I love you Heidi. Even when you do scare me." He bent over and gently kissed my swollen cheek.

~I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

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