Please Read!!!

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Hey guys sorry for not updating lately. I have been going through writers block and a bunch of other personal stuff that kept me away from here.

I am so happy and grateful to you guys :) because of you guys I have around 300 votes and 12,300 reads.

I never thought I would ever get this far. Thank you so much!

So I wanted to ask you guys, what do you guys want to read more of from this story? Like would you like more teammates interactions and stuff, or more Miyuki and Heidi fluffs? It could be anything you guys want :) Just comment down below. I really want to hear what some of you guys want and if someone gives a really cool idea I'll make sure to give credit to them for the awsome idea!

Again thanks for reading and I do plan on finishing this story before summer ends and I do plan on making a sequel for this afterwards :)

(Holiday One Shots still in progress! Really sorry for the lag!)

The Diamond on the Field (Ace of Diamond Miyuki Kazuya)Where stories live. Discover now