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"Suprise! Happy Birthday!" All the Seido first string boys yelled pulling the confetti popper strings.

I stood by the door surprised at what the boys did. The dorm room decorated with streamers, there were a few balloons tied onto the bunk beds, and there was a cake on top of the small table that was surrounded by all the guys.

"Aw! You guys. You shouldn't have." I said smiling. No one has ever thrown me a surprise birthday party before. My birthday isn't as celebrated as it was when I was a little kid and seeing my team mates do something so unexpected for me made me feel really happy, almost close enough to happy tears. Of course I would never cry in front on the guys though. Don't want to appear weak.

"Well you've always done something for all of our birthdays so we decided to do something special for you." Kuromoichi said jumping onto my back causing me to stumble. "Kuromoichi your heavy!" I shouted at him trying to push him off.

He got off and pulled me toward the table. Everyone gathered around and started singing happy birthday. The lights were dimmed down to make the candles stand out more. Right when they finished singing I blew the candles out and as expected Kuromoichi and Miyuki pushed my face onto the cake.

Everyone in the room started laughing. Miyuki and Kuromoichi were laughing harder. Those idiots. I wiped the frosting off of my face and smacked it onto their faces. That made everyone in the room laugh harder.


"Wow this cake is amazing!" I said taking a bite of the cake.

"Ah thank you!" Miyuki said. "N-No way? Did you make this?" I asked shocked. I never knew Miyuki knew how to bake. "It's one of my many talents next to cooking." He smiled taking a bite of his cake.

The whole little party in the dorm room lasted for about two hours. The guys started playing video games and were cracking jokes about the years before. They even started arguing about who's better at playing baseball.

The party was going well. I was laughing with the guys when I got a text message on my phone. I looked at the screen to see who's it from. 'Idiot Miyuki' I read. I opened the text message.

Idiot Miyuki

Come out to the vending machines. I have something to tell you.


I closed the text and looked around the room. I never noticed he left the room. I snuck out of my own suprise party and headed out to the vending machines. I wonder what he wants to tell me. I saw Miyuki sitting down on the bench near the machine. When he saw me he got up.

"You came." He smiled almost relieved. "Well you texted me saying you wanted to tell me something. It has to be important, right?"

"Yeah it is.." He rubbed the back of his head and seemed a bit embarrassed. "Hey Heidi um.."


He blushed.

"Heidi..I-I uh like you..I was planning on telling you for a while but I kept chickening out until now.." My eyes widened at what he said. I shook my head and looked at him ignoring how I could feel those pesky butterflies in my stomach. He's probally just joking with me like he always do.

"Miyuki are you joking cause if you are it's not funny." I said turning and walking away.

"I'm not joking!" He said grabbing my wrist. I stopped and turned around to be caught into Miyuki's brown eyes.

"I do like you..a lot. Every time were together I feel nervous and my heart starts to pound like crazy when ever I think of you. Every time you pitch to me I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have formed a battery with you. When you smile it gives me strength to go on during practice when I feel like giving up. I do like you Heidi!"

We both stood their, what felt like an eternity. My heart was racing like crazy. I had so much butterflies in my stomach. I've always imagined what I'd be like hearing Miyuki telling me how he feels. I just never imagined it'd be so different from what I imagined.

Miyuki's grip on my wrist loosened. I still haven't said anything. His facial expression turned sad. "I'm sorry." He let go of my wrist and started to walk away. Then something just snapped.

"Miyuki! Wait!" I ran up to him and hugged him from behind. "I like you too! I've always have.."

Miyuki turned around and hugged me back. He felt so warm. We looked at each other looking into each others eyes. Miyuki pushed my hair away from my face and put his hand on my cheek. He bent down, his face getting closer to mines. His lips brushed against mine and his lips met with mine. What was only a couple of seconds felt like hours. He pulled away and smiled.

"Happy Birthday Heidi-chan."


Short ah I had writers block and still do but I wanted to finish the chapter by tonight. I thought the story was going slow and now it feels a bit rushed. Haha sorry. I'll try to start posting more interseting chapters from here on out. Anyways thank you for reading :)

~I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

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