Form a Battery with me

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Flash Back First Year

It was the first week of school. Miyuki Kazuya was sitting in his classroom looking out the window, admiring the baseball field that can be seen from his classroom.

"Hey Miyuki." A voice called out to him. He turned his head to see one of his teammates thats in the same year as him, Kuramoichi Youichi. He took a seat at the desk in front of Miyuki and sat down, turning his body to face him.

"What do you think of Seido's Baseball Team so far?" He asked, punching a hole in his juice box with his straw and taking a sip of it. Miyuki grinned at looked out the window. "Everyone there is every interesting. I can't wait to see their full abilities and play besides them. I really want to fight for catcher with Chris."

Kuramoichi scoffed and held his juice box down. "Good luck with that. What do you think of Heidi? A bit unusual to have a girl in high school baseball."

Miyuki looked at him and smiled. "Her abilities really intrigue me and she's also cute." Kuramoichi laughed and smiled. "If your into her forget it. Almost every guy on the team finds her cute. I heard that three people already confessed there feelings towards her."


Baseball practice had started and all the first years were practicing on Field B doing fielding. Miyuki was crouched over by home plate looking around the diamond. He noticed the female player standing on first base, her green eyes and blonde hair standing out from her white practice uniform.

He read a file about her. A Japanese/German-American who once lived in Japan but moved back to America when her father got contracted for the major leagues. She played little league baseball for both girl and boys and was a relief pitcher on her last  Jr. High team. They say her pitching is like her father's, like a swift one motion pitch. She's the god daughter of Coach Kataoka and rumors have it the only reason she moved back to Japan was because of a nasty divorce between her parents.

He studied her movements as she fielded the ball and threw it to third base. 'I wonder why she isn't practicing pitching' Miyuki thought to himself.

After practice Miyuki looked around looking for the blonde girl. He spotted the girl walking besides the first string catcher heading out. He smiled and ran up to catch up to her. "Heidi! Hey Heidi wait up!"

They both stopped and turned to face me. She looked at the glasses faced catcher who was now standing in front of her. "Lets talk yeah?" He asked. The blonde girl looked at Chris and signaled him she'll catch up with him later. He nodded and walked off.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked. Miyuki smiled and stuck his thumb out pointing to himself. "Let's form a battery together!"

"A-a battery?" Heidi questioned. "Yeah. A battery." Heidi's expression saddened and she was ready to walk away. "Sorry I don't pitch."

"Sure you do. It's in your file right?" His grin was still glued onto his face as he took out his phone, showing a pitcher of Heidi pitching.

"W-what are you a stalker or something?" Heidi asked a bit pissed off. "Come on. Form a battery with me. I know you pitch just like your father and with you and me together we will form the strongest battery any first year has ever formed."

The sound of her father being mentioned made her cringe."Sorry, I quit pitching long ago." She immediately started to walk away.

Miyuki stood there smiling, whispering to himself. "Playing hard to get now." He smirked before heading to his dorm room.

The next few days Miyuki followed the girl around school and practice trying to convince her to form a battery with him.

"Alright! Fine I'll form a battery with you IF you are able to hit one of my pitches. If you do I'll agree to form a battery with you. If I strike you out you leave me alone. Deal?"

Miyuki grinned at the challenge. "Deal."

Later that day Heidi stood on the mound having Chris catch for her. Miyuki stood in the batters box with a smart ass grin on his face.

"Hey Heidi! You should be lucky. You'll be forming a battery with the best catcher you have ever seen." He winked at her and got in his batting stance.

"Cocky Idiot." She mumbled loudly. Miyuki heard and laughed. "Ah! Thank you, Small Fry!" Chris sighed hearing there small ramble going on.

"That wasn't a compliment! And I'm not that short to be called that!"

Heidi was moving the ball in her glove deciding what to pitch. She looked at Chris as he gave her a sign suggesting what to pitch. Heidi nodded and did her wind up.

Miyuki observed her wind up, how she had her leg raised up, quickly putting her foot back down as if in a one motion move. She let go of the ball and Miyuki grinned as he prepped his foot ready to swing.

'Too easy.' He thought to myself. He was about to swing when the ball dropped at the plate, making Miyuki swing at the air. "Strike." Chris yelled out. He quickly threw the ball back to Heidi and she smirked at Miyuki's reaction.

Miyuki was shocked at her pitch but quickly got excited. "I was just warming up." He said getting back to his stance again.

The next ball she threw was a normal fast ball that Miyuki happened to not even swing at. "Strike." Chris yelled out. He threw the ball back at her and Heidi smiled. "I hope you enjoyed seeing me pitch." She said almost evil like. "Because it'll be the last time you'll ever see it."

Heidi did her last wind up. Miyuki knew her patterns of pitching from watching her videos and observing her pitching styles. She had one last pitching style that followed the pattern of her last two pitches. Her famous change up pitches.

She let go of the ball and Miyuki carefully timed her pitch. He smiled as the ball changed speed and he swung, the bat making contact with the ball. Heidi's expression was priceless in Miyuki's eyes.

The ball flew towards Heidi. A line drive. She put her glove out in front of her to catch the ball but she didn't close her glove fast enough as it dropped out of her glove. She looked at the ball and then to Miyuki.

"You just formed a battery with the soon to be, number one catcher in all of Tokyo." He grinned sticking his thumb out to her.


Yay a flash back chapter how they formed a battery together. Hopefully it made sense and it wasn't bad haha I'm seriously half asleep right now. Anyways Thank You for all the comments and votes! It makes me happy knowing how many people like my story ^^ Thanks for all the support! Oh I hope you enjoy my drawing of  Heidi in her uniform. I have two more drawings of her I'll post later in the chapters. Thanks for reading!

~I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

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