I'll Make You Fall In Love With Me Over Again

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The Seido boys were in the cafeteria eating after winning their first game in the Summer Tournaments. Tanba was able to join them in the dug out although he wasn't allowed to play. Miyuki kept to himself since he came back from visiting Heidi in the hospital.

Word had got out to the boys that Heidi has forgotten some of her memories. Everyone was shocked but determined to help her remember everything she might have forgotten.

Kuramoichi confronted Miyuki if Heidi had memories of them dating but Miyuki shook his head no.

Miyuki was eating his dinner in silent, thinking of ways on having Heidi remember there relationship. He was in deep thought when he heard commotion coming from the entrance. He looked over and saw a group of guys surrounding someone. He put his chopsticks down and got up to go see what's going on.

"Hey what is everyone looking at?" He questioned as he made his way through the crowd.

"MS. HEIDI-CHAN! I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! PLEASE TELL ME YOU REMEMBER ME!" Sawamura cried out, yelling at the top of his lungs clinging on to Heidi.

Miyuki's eyes widen as he saw Heidi standing their in her casual clothes. 

"Oh please I wish I forgot you." Heidi teased him. This made everyone laugh. Heidi pushed him off and fixed her long blonde hair. She still had a small bandage on her forehead.

"Welcome back kid." Jun wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "You gave us quite a scare back there. Now is it true you can't remember anything in that noggin of yours."

He gently ruffled her hair.

"Well..I honestly don't remember much. The last thing I remember is falling off the fence trying to catch the fly ball." She put a hand on her head trying to remember other events.

"But I also remember little bits of things..kinda like my birthday party, some of our games, and..." She concentrated more but nothing.

"Easy there. Don't force yourself to remember everything. It'll come to you eventually." Chris put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

Miyuki watched her until all the boys disbanded and were going their separate ways. Heidi was making her way to her dorm when Miyuki decided to talk to her.

"Heidi!" Heidi stopped in  tracks and smiled when she saw Miyuki walking towards her. 

"Oh hey Miyuki-kun. What's up?"  Miyuki's heart twinged a bit as she called him by his last name.

"Hey. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course."

They both walked over towards the boy's dormitories as Miyuki bought them both Heidi's favorite drink.

"Here you go." He handed her drink and sat down next to her on the bench.

"Thanks." She smiled at him and took a sip of her drink.

"Hey Miyuki..about yesterday at the hospital..." She trailed off feeling guilty. 

"Hey don't worry about it." Miyuki said giving her a half smile.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry I don't really rememebr my memories of our relationship. I know this must be bothering you after yesterday.."

"Hey, hey. It's not your fault. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this situation." He placed a hand on her lap.

Heidi looked at him and back to the ground.

"I don't think it was your fault, it could've happened to anyone so please don't blame yourself."

Miyuki eyes widen hearing this from her, not really expecting it. 

"Were we really a couple? I mean did I really fall for clown face Miyuki Kazuya." Heidi half teased as she stuck out her tongue.

Miyuki couldn't help but to grin. He stood up and pointed his thumb to himself.

"Hahaha who are you calling a clown face you small fry. You were head over heels for me always telling me how awesome and how much of a handsome devil I am."

Heidi couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha yeah right but call me small fry again and I'll beat you up." She grinned at him. "Oh by the way, would you care to tell me why I have a Miyuki looking bear in my bedroom."

"So you can have me sleeping by your side always." Miyuki winked and laughed remembering Heidi's birthday when he gave her his birthday present to her and the birthday party when he confessed his love to her.

He stopped laughing as a frown grew on his face knowing Heidi doesn't remember any of that.

"Miyuki? What's wrong?" She stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. Miyuki looked into her green eyes.

"Heidi what do you remember of us?"

"Well..I remember feeling happy and safe when I'm around you..like I do now. I remember..wait were we in the girl's locker room together?" Heidi blushed remembering that memory.Miyuki chuckled and couldn't help but to lean in and kiss her forehead.


"Oh calm down..after all I am your boyfriend.." He brought her into a hug and rested his head on her head.

"I promise you I'll help you remember your memories. Even if it means making you fall in love with me over again."

Sorry guys that it's kinda short. School kept me busy. Thank you Everyone for reading and supporting my story! The one-shots are still a working progress. They'll be up soon (Ha I said that last time but I promise more will be up soon.)

Thanks for reading!

~I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

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