Respect (repost/edit)

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*Flash Back 1st year year*

Third P.O.V.

Heidi was doubled over by home plate. She was clutching onto her chest, crying that she wasn't able to breath.

Earlier in the game she was pitching to the other team's catcher and managed to strike him out. The catcher tried to brush off his frustration and when he was up to bat again he managed to hit Heidi's change up pitch, but it went straight to her getting him out. He was furious.

He was mad that a girl got him out twice and was determined to get her out really bad.

It was Seido who was up to bat and Heidi was up in the batters box. The catcher was determine to get her out. He signaled to his pitcher to throw a inside ball. The pitcher nodded and did his wind up. Heidi got ready to bat as the pitcher released the ball. The pitcher ended up releasing the ball to early from his sweaty hands and the ball ended up hitting her thigh.

"Dead ball!" The ump said. Heidi threw her bat towards the dugout and jogged to her base. "Way to take a hit Thunder thighs!" Jun yelled making fun of her. She pretended that she didn't hear that.

The catcher was getting even more furious. He wanted her off the field. The next batter in the box hit the ball all the way to the wall. Heidi started running to second and once she hit the bag she ran to third. The outfielder grabbed the ball and was throwing it in. Heidi hit third and was sprinting to home. Short stop got the ball and was looking where to throw it. Heidi was half way to home.

"Home go home!" The catcher yelled. The short stop threw it to home and Heidi was about to dive to the plate. The catcher got the ball was determined to get the blonde girl out. He turned and stuck his elbow out to stop the girl from diving home. They both ended up colliding, the catchers elbow hitting the girl's chest.

They both tumbled over, the audience and team in shock over what had happened. "Out!" The ump called. The catcher got up and spit out dirt that was in his mouth. Heidi was crouched over clutching her chest gasping, trying to breath.

"Number 9, are you okay?" The ump asked. Her god father stood up from the bench and looked towards his god daughter concerned. Miyuki saw the collision and noticed the catcher stuck his elbow out at her.

"I-I can't.." She was gasping trying to breathe. She cried out. "I can't breathe!" Her god father ran out with Chris and Miyuki. They all ran by her side as she desperatly tried to breathe. Her team mates were worried about their team mate as they all stood up to see if she was okay.

Miyuki stood next to Heidi as she was struggling to breathe. The catcher she collided with didn't get hurt. He got what he wanted and scoffed to himself. "If she can't handle playing with the big boys then she shouldn't be playing at all."

Miyuki heard what the catcher had said. He clenched his fists in anger. He wanted to punch the catcher in the face so bad. "Miyuki." Coach Katoaka said. "If you're going to fight him do it on the baseball field..when your up to bat and defend." As much as Miyuki didn't want to, he held himself back.

After a short while Heidi was starting to be able to breathe again. Her god father and Chris helped her up and helped her walk to the dug out. The crowd and her team mates started to clap out of respect.

Her team mates were fired up to get back at the team for hurting their team mate. The scored runs after runs every time they went up to bat.

There was only two innings left in the game. Heidi, even after what happened, convinced her god father to put her back in the game. Since then she earned respect from many of her team mates, the other team, and the people in the audience.


Sorry that the last two chapters got deleted. I re edited it both of them so its clearer to read. Thank you for reading and I'll get the third chapter up soon.

~I do not own Ace of Diamond or any of the characters besides the ones I made up~

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