Chapter 1- A Presence

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It's been an extremely long day. When I say that I mean it.
It's been a painstakingly long and hard day.
I work a boring desk job in New York. (For those of you who don't know I'm Australian so know nothing about New York).
I open the door and walk into my apartment.
I go over the cabinet by the door and place my bag down.
I feel unsettled, like someone is watching me.
I look around for any unwanted visitors before going to cautiously lock the front door. I turn some lights on and multiply myself so I can go search other rooms.
There's definitely no one here.
I still feel unsettled.
I walk into the kitchen, still cautious of any other noises.
I look through the fridge for something to eat for dinner.
I decide on spaghetti.
I begin making it when I feel like someone is watching me again.
I slam the glass of water I was drinking down onto the kitchen counter.
"I swear, if there is someone there you have to options!" I begin and walk to the doorframe. "One, you show me yourself right this second without scaring me," I say. "Or two, you get your butt out of my apartment right now I say.
I light some fire from my hands and walk around for a bit. Something green catches my eye and I whip my head around, my hair hitting my face. I walk over to the corner and look for someone.
No one.
I must just be paranoid.
I eat my dinner before getting into my my pjs and going to bed.
I hope when I wake up this presence is gone.
It wasn't.

So thanks for reading the first chapter. I know, it's really cliché. (*Very sarcastic voice*) I bet none of you know who the person lurking around is... lol.
Thanks though for reading!

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