Chapter 50- Another Long Day

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I wake up to the sound of footsteps. I open my eyes slightly and see Loki walk out and close the door.
I get up and shower before heading down to make myself breakfast then go to the living room next to the kitchen.
I walk in to see Peter teaching Thor and Loki how to play video games.
It doesn't take long before Peter finished teaching them to play.
"Can you play Y/N?" Peter asks.
I nod as he hands me a remote and turns on a car racing game.
Thor and Loki are very competitive but Peter wins. I'm in a very close second. We play a few more rounds before I have to leave to get back to hacking Hydra.
I go to Bruce and Tony's lab. They acknowledge me as I walk in. I get straight back to work.
I fins where I left off yesterday and begin to look through the database. I find heaps on information and start to make plans. The next thing I do I know that Steve will want to see.
I get up the security camera's and go to the cell footage. I know which cell was mine so I go to that. They still haven't gotten anyone new to put in.
I go to the footage of the cell next to mine and there he is.
"Hey Friday, could you please get Steve to come up please," I say.
"Found the footage of Bucky?" Tony asks.
"Yep," I say.
It doesn't take long for Steve to come.
"Hey Y/N, you wanted to see me," He says.
"I got something that I though you might want to see," I say.
Steve walks over and looks at the computer.
He doesn't say anything. I look up to see him crying a bit.
"He looks terrible! What do these monsters do to you guys?!" he says clearly in shock at the state of Bucky.
"I'm almost done with everything. You'll be able to get him soon," I say.
Steve guys me.
"Thank you!" he says softly before leaving. A little after he leaves I hear the door open again.
I look up to see Loki.
"Oh hey Lok," I say.
"Hey, just came to sit with you," he says.
"Ok!" I say happily and pull a chair up next to me.
He sits down and pulls out a book.


After dinner when everyone goes to talk I go back to the lab. I'm getting really close to having everything done. I'm drawing up maps when I hear the door open.
"Hey pet," Loki says.
"Hey Lok," I say.
"How much do you have left to do?" he asks.
"Not much," I say. He nods and comes to sit with me again.
"Can I help?" He asks.
"Yeah, see all these files here, they need to be sorted so that everyone who's involved with the mission has one. There are about 15 people involved," I say before showing him how to sort the files.
While he does that I finish the presentation.

After about an hour everything's done.
"Will you come to bed now pet?" Loki asks.
I nod yawning.
Once we're back in our room I get into my pyjamas and pull out a book and sit on the couch we have. Loki joins me. After a while my eyes begin to droop.
I hear Loki sigh and pick me up. He places me on my bed and tucks me in.
"Sleep well pet," he says and places a small kiss on my forehead. He's about to walk away when I grab his hand.
"Stay," I say still half asleep.
"Ok," he says and hops into bed with me.
I feel his arms wrap around me and I drift off to sleep.

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