Chapter 69- Rescue

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As promised, a chapter.

Bruce's POV
Everyone sprints out of the quintet. I try to keep up but the others are really fast and I'm not. My group run out of quintet and over to where Y/N's tracker is. It's still dark so we all walk around searching the area. I see Nat freeze and then slowly walk in a line, following something.
"What have you found Nat?" Steve asks, noticing Nat's strange behaviour as well.
She doesn't answer and so Loki, Steve and I walk over to her. Then I see it. There's a trail of blood on the ground, heading into the bush. Loki uses his magic to create light and follow the trail. He's about fifteen meters ahead of us when he suddenly rushes forward and drops to his knees. That's when I see Y/N. Her lifeless form is in a crumpled heap on the floor. I can see Loki checking her pulse as the rest of us run up to her.
Then something that I never thought would happen does, Loki cries. I quickly start examining her. She had a pulse but she's bleeding out quickly.
I look up at Loki.
"Can you pick her up for me?" I ask. He nods and picks her up.
"Steve, Nat are you good to go?" I ask. They nod and run off to the base.
I'm about to walk back to the quintet when Loki speaks up, "Grab onto my arm." 
I look at him confused. He moves his arm about a bit so I do as he says.
A wave of dizziness washes over me as we suddenly appear in the Quinjet.
Loki places Y/N down carefully on the medical table.
As I begin getting equipment out I look over to see Loki putting his magic into Y/N.
"I'm using healing magic. She's too wounded for me to properly heal so you'll still have some work to do but this should help a lot," he says.
I nod and continue with what I'm doing.
Eventually Loki stops and nods at me letting me know that I need to take over.
I get to work and see Loki sitting nervously out of the corner of my eye.
"Go. I'll take care of her. You need to go beat some people up. I can see it in your eyes. She's safe with me. Go," I tell him.
He looks at me, nods, and teleports out of the Quinjet. 

What do you all think about having other POV's? Do you like it or is it annoying? Are there any POV's you'd like?

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